Sharepoint, SQL Server and MSSQLFDLauncher...

  • SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard 64bit

    2x 2.33 GHz Zeon

    8 GB RAM

    We have been having problems with our SQL Server that used for Sharepoint. Memory and CPU are being maxed out and the log has the following errors:

    There was a memory allocation failure during connection establishment. Reduce nonessential memory load, or increase system memory. The connection has been closed.

    There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'internal' to run this query.

    Research has led me to full text searching, I see the Full text engine has been changed for 2008 and that we should have a service called MSSQLFDLauncher, which we do not.

    Now of course we could add memory but first I am looking for any info regarding the MSSQLFDLauncher and if that will make a difference for Sharepoint?

  • I don't use full text indexing with Sharepoint and can't seem to find any good info on whether to turn it on in Sharepoint Admin or not. It's not going to solve your RAM issue anyway. Capture a trace of poorly performing queries and check for missing indexes before you add more RAM.

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