Query help

  • I have a table that has EmployeeID, EmployeeLoginDateTime and What JobFunction they logged in under. JobFunction is like Developing, Coding, Programming, Adminstering and LogOut.I need to write a query which pulls all the users and the day that they didn't log out.

    Any help would be approciated.

  • Compare the Login date and logout date using where clause.. To get the day out from the Login date use string functions.. I think it works,...

  • SQL_Surfer (3/14/2012)

    Any help would be approciated.

    Sure. But help us first!

    There is menu card in that hotel! I want you to buy me a lunch from that menu card! Can you?

  • SQL_Surfer (3/14/2012)

    I have a table that has EmployeeID, EmployeeLoginDateTime and What JobFunction they logged in under. JobFunction is like Developing, Coding, Programming, Adminstering and LogOut.I need to write a query which pulls all the users and the day that they didn't log out.

    Any help would be approciated.

    if they didnt log out...can we assume "LogOut" is Null?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • If they forget to Logout, there won't be LogOut records. Or No record for the employee for that day with LogOut jobfunction. I have attached the sample data.

  • To get the day out from the Login date use string functions

  • Question is find out all the records for an employee where he didn't log out on a certain day.

  • This?





    ,JobFunction VARCHAR(25)


    INSERT @TableA

    SELECT 123,'2012-02-01 01:00:24','Coding'

    UNION ALL SELECT 123,'2012-02-01 3:00:00','Programming'

    UNION ALL SELECT 123,'2012-02-01 5:00:00' ,'LogOut'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-01 01:00:24','Coding'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-01 3:00:00','Programming'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-01 5:00:00' ,'Coding'

    SELECT EmployeeID



    FROM @TableA OutTab


    WHERE InrTab.JobFunction = 'LogOut'

    AND InrTab.EmployeeID = OutTab.EmployeeID)

  • Not quiet. Here, on 2/1, employee 234 didn't logout. So, it should just return 234, 2012/02/01, 'Din't LogOut'. This query is returning all other records but LogOut. I wanted just the ones where they didn't LogOut.

  • If there are 20 days that they did not logout, you need all of those 20 days? and u need it for all employees?

    Or u need those days that the employee signed in , but forgot to logout?

  • Those days employee logged in but didn't logout.

  • Then this?





    ,JobFunction VARCHAR(25)


    INSERT @TableA

    SELECT 123,'2012-02-01 01:00:24','Coding'

    UNION ALL SELECT 123,'2012-02-01 3:00:00','Programming'

    UNION ALL SELECT 123,'2012-02-01 5:00:00' ,'LogOut'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-01 01:00:24','Coding'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-01 3:00:00','Programming'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-01 5:00:00' ,'Coding'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-02 01:00:24','Coding'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-02 3:00:00','Programming'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-02 5:00:00' ,'Coding'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-03 5:00:00' ,'Coding'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-04 5:00:00' ,'Coding'

    UNION ALL SELECT 234,'2012-02-04 7:00:00' ,'Logout'

    UNION ALL SELECT 567,'2012-02-01 3:00:00','Programming'

    UNION ALL SELECT 567,'2012-02-01 5:00:00' ,'LogOut'

    UNION ALL SELECT 567,'2012-02-02 3:00:00','Programming'

    UNION ALL SELECT 789,'2012-02-01 3:00:00','Programming'

    SELECT EmployeeID


    ,'Missed LogOut' JobFunction

    FROM @TableA OutTab

    CROSS APPLY ( SELECT DATEADD(DD,DATEDIFF(DD,0,OutTab.EmployeeLoginDateTime),0) ) CrsApp (EmployeeLoginDateTime)


    ( SELECT 1

    FROM @TableA InrTab

    WHERE InrTab.JobFunction = 'LogOut'

    AND InrTab.EmployeeID = OutTab.EmployeeID

    AND DATEADD(DD,DATEDIFF(DD, 0 ,InrTab.EmployeeLoginDateTime),0) = CrsApp.EmployeeLoginDateTime)

    GROUP BY EmployeeID


  • Another solution



    SELECT EmployeeID

    ,EmployeeLoginDateTime = DATEADD(DD,DATEDIFF(DD,0,OutTab.EmployeeLoginDateTime),0)

    ,JobFunction = CASE WHEN JobFunction = 'Logout' THEN 1

    ELSE 0


    FROM @TableA OutTab


    SELECT EmployeeID

    , EmployeeLoginDateTime

    , 'Missed LogOut' Comment


    GROUP BY EmployeeID , EmployeeLoginDateTime

    HAVING SUM(JobFunction) = 0

    This solution is definitely faster than the previous one!

    Table '#32AB8735'. Scan count 2, logical reads 17, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 86 ms.

    Table '#32AB8735'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    SQL Server Execution Times:

    CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 65 ms.

  • Yep. Thats it. Thanks for your help.

  • SQL_Surfer (3/14/2012)

    Yep. Thats it. Thanks for your help.

    You're welcome.. One question - did u use the first one or the second?

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