Querying group names containing dollar signs with WMI

  • I'm using Powershell (v2.0) to get the members of local groups on remote servers. I've got that working with the get-wmiobject cmdlet with one strange exception: If a local groupname contains a $, that character seems to be ignored in the name matching. For instance, I made two test groups on a server, test and test$sjs, each containing different users. I then run

    get-wmiobject -ComputerName 'PTS-GPSQL01' -query "select * from win32_groupuser where GroupComponent = `"Win32_Group.Domain='PTS-GPSQL01'`,Name='test'`""


    get-wmiobject -ComputerName 'PTS-GPSQL01' -query "select * from win32_groupuser where GroupComponent = `"Win32_Group.Domain='PTS-GPSQL01'`,Name='test$sjs'`""

    But each command returns the members of the test group. I'm using a PS script function I found at http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/List-local-group-members-762b48c5. That contains a comment saying dollar signs will screw up the WMI query if they are in the computer name and filters them out of there. Seems they might mess up the group names too. And since SQL 2005 creates groups with names like SQLServer2005MSSQLUser$PTS-GPSQL01$MSSQLSERVER, that kinda makes things difficult.

    Has anyone come across a workarounds for this? Or am I missing something?


  • Try putting a back-tick in front of the $ sign, to escape it.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • That fixed it. Thanks!


  • Well, I spoke too soon. The backtick works when just issueing a command from the PS command line, but I'm trying to use this within a function, so the group name is in a variable:

    $wmi = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ComputerName -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_GroupUser WHERE GroupComponent=`"Win32_Group.Domain='$ComputerName',Name='$GroupName'`""

    This doesn't seem to work, even when I pass in a $GroupName of test`$sjs. I tried using two backticks with no luck also.

  • Odd...this works fine on my system:

    function x($ComputerName, $GroupName)


    Get-WmiObject `

    -ComputerName $ComputerName `

    -Query "select * from win32_groupuser where GroupComponent=`"Win32_Group.Domain='$ComputerName'`,Name='$GroupName'`""



    $MyComputerName = "my-pc-name"

    $MyGroupName = "SQLServer2005MSFTEUser`$$MyComputerName`$STD2005"

    x $MyComputerName $MyGroupName

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Hmm...Yeah, if I copy and paste that to a file, it works for me too. My problem must lie elsewhere. I'm reading a list of computers and groups from a SQL table into a variable, then looping through them using the get-wmiobject to get the group members. Must be doing something wrong, like passing an object to the command instead of a string or something.

    Thanks for your help!


  • You're welcome 🙂

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Aha! I've figured it out.. I was passing in the group name prefaced with the computer name (computername\groupname). I removed this is another script when I was getting t AD group members but forgot to remove it when getting local machine group members.


    P.S. It appears, doing it this way (assigning the group name to a variable first, does not require you to put a ` before the $.

  • Nice! Happy to assist...I bet that felt good 😉

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Heh..yeah. It felt good to figure it out, but also felt like a big facepalm because I had the same problem 5 days ago and forgot about it. Oh well.. Another learning experience 🙂

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