May 4, 2012 at 11:07 am
This has got to be easy.. I just can not seem to find how to do .. used Google.
Looking to take a date field (2012-02-16) and converting for two new columns on my SQL statemet. One that will show Year/Month (2012-02) and a second one that will show the Quarter (2012-1).
May 4, 2012 at 12:26 pm
The problem is that when you do :
SELECT [Server]
,DATENAME (YEAR, [Net_Day]) + ' / ' + DATENAME(MONTH, [Net_Day]) as 'Net_Day'
FROM [Server_Manager].[dbo].[zt_Sysjob_Day_Sum]
Then Pivot on Server (left) and Net_Day you get April, Febuary, March, May...
Thus I need to get 2012/02, 2012/03, 2012/04.. ect
May 4, 2012 at 1:06 pm
dwilliscp (5/4/2012)
Thus I need to get 2012/02, 2012/03, 2012/04.. ect
How about...
select cast(datepart(Year,[Net_Day]) as varchar) + '/' + right('0' + cast(datepart(Month,[Net_Day]) as varchar),2) as [Year/Month],
cast(datepart(Year,[Net_Day]) as varchar) + '/' + cast(datepart(Quarter,[Net_Day]) as varchar) as [Year/Quarter]
FROM [Server_Manager].[dbo].[zt_Sysjob_Day_Sum]
Rob Schripsema
Propack, Inc.
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