Exisiting mirroring endpoints become disconnected

  • I have spent the last hour vainly searching for some help with mirroring endpoints. Here is the situation:

    Running 2 servers with SQL Server 2008 Standard.

    I have 2 databases that have been successfully mirrored high safety with no witness, just the principal and mirror.

    We were forced to change our account PW (thanks Corporate!) which caused the mirroring state to become disconnected.

    We changed the PW on both servers for all SQL services and bounced the servers.

    The mirroring state is still disconnected.

    All my research only resulted in how to install a NEW instance of mirroring. I know I can delete the mirror and start all over again, but that takes all day, and this is supposed to reestablish the connection with no problem (Microsoftspeak). I am afraid to do anything that might really break the mirror and require a do-over. Does anyone have a troubleshooting / fixit / get-it-running-again guide they can share? I am at a loss.

    Thanks in advance.


    Michael Lee


    Also see statuses for principal

    select * from sys.database_mirroring where mirroring_role =1

    and mirrored db

    select * from sys.database_mirroring where mirroring_role =2

    Alex S
  • Well, the problem was solved by changing the passwords again. There must have been a breakdown between the servers and what PW they were using.

    Whew! We are good until Corporate forces another PW Change!!

    Thanks all!


    Michael Lee

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