trimming a text string

  • How would you trim a string like below, and return only the second backslash and whatever follows?

    '\Beverages\Soda Pop\Mountain Dew'

    The value after the *first* backslash will not always be 'Beverages'. Sometimes it is 'Produce' ie it will vary in length.

    I need to find functions that will discover the second backslash and return it plus whatever follows.

    --Quote me

  • all ready been posted im looking for the thread now.

    For faster help in answering any problems Please read How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden[/url] for the best way to ask your question.

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  • nope, it's different. That one wants the first segment of the path ie. Beverages. This one wants what comes after.

    --Quote me

  • polkadot (4/23/2012)

    nope, it's different. That one wants the first segment of the path ie. Beverages. This one wants what comes after.

    yep your right, off to modify that code real quick [facepalm]

    For faster help in answering any problems Please read How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden[/url] for the best way to ask your question.

    For performance Issues see how we like them posted here: How to Post Performance Problems - Gail Shaw[/url]

    Need to Split some strings? Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K[/url]
    Jeff Moden's Cross tab and Pivots Part 1[/url]
    Jeff Moden's Cross tab and Pivots Part 2[/url]

  • WELL, I'm working on it myself, and certainly not expecting you to do it for me, but if you do you can be sure I'm still learning.


    --Quote me

  • select substring('\Beverages\Soda Pop\Mountain Dew',patindex('%\%',substring('\Beverages\Soda Pop\Mountain Dew',patindex('%\%','\Beverages\Soda Pop\Mountain Dew')+1,100))+1,100)

  • Polka, try this:

    declare @string varchar(200) = '\Beverages\Soda Pop\Mountain Dew'

    select @string = STUFF( @string , 1 , CHARINDEX('\',@string,CHARINDEX('\',@string)+1),'')

  • Thanks CC. My learning curve is steeper when I get help. It may look lazy but in fact I am not.

    Thank you!!!!!

    --Quote me

  • Can you change the select statement so that if there is only one level in the path (ie. nothing after \Beverages), nothing is returned?

    For example:

    if instead of \Beverages\Soda Pop\Mountain Dew a row has only \Beverages, then nothing should be returned.

    --Quote me

  • How about these:

    DECLARE @tststr VARCHAR(64);

    SET @tststr = '\Beverages\Soda Pop\Mountain Dew';

    SELECT SUBSTRING(RIGHT(@tststr,DATALENGTH(@tststr) - 1),1,PATINDEX('%\%',RIGHT(@tststr,DATALENGTH(@tststr) - 1)) - 1);

    SELECT CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%_\%',@tststr) > 0 THEN SUBSTRING(@tststr,PATINDEX('%_\%',@tststr) + 1,DATALENGTH(@tststr) - PATINDEX('%_\%',@tststr) + 1) ELSE '' END;

    SET @tststr = '\Beverages';

    SELECT CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%_\%',@tststr) > 0 THEN SUBSTRING(@tststr,PATINDEX('%_\%',@tststr) + 1,DATALENGTH(@tststr) - PATINDEX('%_\%',@tststr) + 1) ELSE '' END;

  • Try this 🙂

    declare @string table ( string varchar(200) )

    insert @string

    select '\Beverages\Soda Pop\Mountain Dew'

    union select '\Beverages'

    union select '\\Food'

    select s.string , crsapp.Idx

    ,CutStr =

    Case when crsapp.Idx > 0 then STUFF(s.string,1,crsapp.Idx,'')

    else ''


    from @string s

    cross apply( select CHARINDEX('\',s.string,CHARINDEX('\',s.string)+1)) crsapp (Idx)

  • Thank you both.

    trimming is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma

    --Quote me

  • Polkadot - Hello again!

    This is a minor adaptation of a solution I posted in another thread just a couple of days ago:

    Try this:

    DECLARE @t TABLE (words VARCHAR(max))


    SELECT '\Beverages\Soda Pop\Mountain Dew'

    UNION ALL SELECT '\Beverages'

    ;WITH cte AS (

    --SELECT SUBSTRING(words, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', words)) As word, words

    SELECT '\' As word, words

    FROM @t)

    SELECT CASE CHARINDEX(word, SUBSTRING(words, 1+CHARINDEX(word, words, 1), LEN(words)), 1)

    WHEN 0 THEN words

    --ELSE SUBSTRING(words, 1, CHARINDEX(word, SUBSTRING(words, 1+CHARINDEX(word, words, 1), LEN(words)), 1)-1)

    ELSE SUBSTRING(words, 1, CHARINDEX(word, SUBSTRING(words, 1+CHARINDEX(word, words, 1), LEN(words)), 1))

    END As words

    FROM cte

    Should also solve the second question. Note that I left the original posting code in (besides setup data) but commented out.

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  • Hiya dwain.

    Thanks for all the examples for my learning.

    I have been studying the definition of each function and moving from the inner most nested one outward to understand the 'trim story'. In the meantime I was able to deliver on a mini report.

    Million thanks.

    --Quote me

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