SQL upgrades from hell - how to rollback from a botched upgrade that left server/dbs in inconsistent state?

  • I wanted to take a pulse of how people approach this.

    We have had some really bad experiences recently from SQL-2008 service-pack upgrades that did not go to completion, due to some obscure config issue, and left our server and databases in inconsistent/suspect state.

    We had taken copies of the system-db data and log files, as well as the folders with the SQL binaries.

    We had also taken backups of all users dbs prior to the upgrade.

    However, we had forgotten to take a dump of the registry - "Microsoft SQL Server" node.

    As a result, we were not able to fully rollback the upgrade.

    What measures do people take to protect their systems from botched SQL upgrades?

    Do backups of the registry, binaries and databases suffice?

    Anything else that would be of value to back up?

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  • Marios Philippopoulos (5/31/2012)

    We had taken copies of the system-db data and log files, as well as the folders with the SQL binaries.

    We had also taken backups of all users dbs prior to the upgrade.

    Thats mostly all you should need.

    You wouldnt need the binaries or the registry, in most cases this is massively problematic

    The usual way is to uninstall SQL, reinstall and patch back up to the correct level then restore databases, jobs and logins

    Consider restoring master and msdb in this case

  • MysteryJimbo (5/31/2012)

    The usual way is to uninstall SQL, reinstall and patch back up to the correct level then restore databases, jobs and logins

    Consider restoring master and msdb in this case

    That's what I would do. Any system databases will need to have been backed up on the exact version that you're restoring them to.

  • I would go further, if this was a VM (some of mine are) then I would take a snapshot of the VM beforehand so I could restore the snapshot if things go wahoonie shaped.

    On a physical I would do a server state backup (which should capture registry info amongst other info) then database backups inc. system databases. If it all went wrong, uninstall SQL Server, restore system state backups, reinstall SQL Server, attach all DBs and restore / rebuild master and msdb databases.

    Certainly not an easy job to do and especially not under what we would term a 'P1' incident (ITIL, 4hr SLA with 15 min updates).


    Note to developers:
    So why complicate your code AND MAKE MY JOB HARDER??!:crazy:

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  • Thank you all for the responses.

    Certainly VMs present an advantage in that sense.

    Regarding physical servers, I still think it is preferable to copy the binaries, registry (under SQL node) and system-db "live" files to a "safe" location - along with db backups - and overwrite botched files in case of upgrade failure.

    This has worked for us in the past.

    The alternative, doing a full uninstall/reinstall and server/db rebuild, will take much longer and be much more problematic, in my view.

    Imagine the poor DBA having to work on this all night to bring the server up to par to the state prior to the upgrade.

    The thought sends shivers down my spine... 🙂

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  • I like your thinking but would argue that unlike restoring a VM snapshot, replacing large chunks of the binaries, the physical data files, the registry poses more of a risk than a normal rebuild and restore. For example there is more potential for error, as you stated in your original post you hadn't backed up the registry hive for SQL Server. Your approach has more gotchas than a structured rebuild.

    And yes the rebuild approach takes longer and will probably involve more late night pizza and Pro Plus (merkin translation: No-Doz?) for the DBA but at the end of it the rebuild is complete, thoroughly tested and he/she has probably sorted out many minor issues along the way.


    Note to developers:
    So why complicate your code AND MAKE MY JOB HARDER??!:crazy:

    Want to get the best help? Click here https://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/forum-etiquette-how-to-post-datacode-on-a-forum-to-get-the-best-help (Jeff Moden)
    My blog: http://uksqldba.blogspot.com
    Visit http://www.DerekColley.co.uk to find out more about me.

  • I like your thinking but would argue that unlike restoring a VM snapshot, replacing large chunks of the binaries, the physical data files, the registry poses more of a risk than a normal rebuild and restore. For example there is more potential for error, as you stated in your original post you hadn't backed up the registry hive for SQL Server. Your approach has more gotchas than a structured rebuild.

    And yes the rebuild approach takes longer and will probably involve more late night pizza and Pro Plus (merkin translation: No-Doz?) for the DBA but at the end of it the rebuild is complete, thoroughly tested and he/she has probably sorted out many minor issues along the way.


    Note to developers:
    So why complicate your code AND MAKE MY JOB HARDER??!:crazy:

    Want to get the best help? Click here https://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/forum-etiquette-how-to-post-datacode-on-a-forum-to-get-the-best-help (Jeff Moden)
    My blog: http://uksqldba.blogspot.com
    Visit http://www.DerekColley.co.uk to find out more about me.

  • A couple of years ago a bad SQL service pack upgrade on a 2-node SQL 2005 cluster led to both nodes having to be reformated and rebuilt from the OS up, and a few 15 hour workdays with no more than 4 hours of sleep in between.

    After that, I would suggest making bare-metal image backups of the servers before a service pack install.

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