• Hi, I have a query that requires that all the rows be 'unioned' I would like to use a temporary table to run this query on, how could I construct my temporary table and populate it, I have the data, millions of rows in an exitsing table, the exitsint table consists of 3 columns Customer_Number,Product and Price and I need these same rows in the (unioned) temporary table, Hope this makes sense!

    heres the query I need to run

    SELECT distinct Customer_Number, SUM(Price)

    FROM Cust_Purch x1



    (SELECT * FROM Cust_Purch x2 WHERE x2.customer_number = x1.customer_number

    AND x2.product_offer = 'Offer1')


    (SELECT * FROM Cust_Purch x3 WHERE x3.customer_number = x1.customer_number AND

    x3.product_offer IN ( 'Offer5','Offer3') )

    GROUP BY Customer_Number

    The query works as I have tried it on some test data heres a copy of the test table and population

    insert into Cust_Purch

    select 1,'Blah', 23 union ALL

    select 1,'Offer4', 37 union ALL

    select 1,'Offer5', 75 union ALL

    select 5,'Offer1', 88 union ALL

    select 3,'Offer2', 63 union ALL

    select 4,'Offer2', 47 UNION ALL

    select 1,'Blah', 23 union ALL

    select 1,'Offer4', 37 union ALL

    select 1,'Offer5', 75 union ALL

    select 5,'Offer1', 88 union ALL

    select 3,'Offer2', 63 union ALL

    select 4,'Offer2', 47 UNION ALL

    select 3,'Blah', 23 union ALL

    select 2,'Offer4', 37 union ALL

    select 3,'Offer5', 75 union ALL

    select 2,'Offer1', 88 union ALL

    select 4,'Offer2', 63 union ALL

    select 4,'Offer2', 47 UNION ALL

    select 3,'Offer2', 63 union ALL

    select 4,'Offer2', 47 UNION ALL

    select 3,'Blah', 23 union ALL

    select 2,'Offer2', 37 union ALL

    select 3,'Offer2', 75 union ALL

    select 2,'Offer3', 88 union ALL

    select 4,'Offer4', 63 union ALL

    select 4,'Offer5', 47

    Now I need some help populating a temp table with existing data and telling it to union all rows!

  • To create a temp table from existing rows, use this type of syntax:

    select Customer_Number,Product, Price

    into #temp_Customer

    from RealCustomerTable

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

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