I recently debuted a new presentation, “What To Do When It All Goes So Wrong”. The presentation is designed to give Database Administrators a basic overview of the skills they need to handle virtually any crisis that may arise. While the target audience is DBAs, I feel that most IT Professionals can benefit from the concepts.
The first delivery of the presentation went well, although I definitely have some ideas for how I can improve on it. Look for this deck to evolve a bit over time. The biggest area that I still feel needs work is the narrative around the emergency scenario that I created. Right now it does not tie as well as I would like with the concepts later on in the presentation. Look for the narrative to develop more as I get more opportunities to deliver this presentation.
You can get to the deck from my Presentations page. Yep, that’s right, I have a presentations page now. It feels good to finally have enough content to warrant a dedicated page.
Please have a look and feel free to leave any feedback you might have in the comments section on that page.