how to move index pages to another NDF file from MDF file?

  • 1. There were 76 non-clustred Index created in sql 2000 as of now data pages and index pages are same MDF file. after upgrade to sql 2008. I want sperate all the index into sperate NDF file. please provide the script for how to move all the existing index another file? and what are the steps should I followed?

    2. Production server having RAID 1+0 disk configuration and two hard disk,total 300GB,

    For the best pratices, please suggestion me as follows for disk configuration

    1. MDF, NDF file on disk "D"

    2. LDF file on disk "E"

    3. Tempdb, templog on disk "F"

    5. Backup purpose on disk "G"



  • Here are come SSC articles that can help out.


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  • 76 nonclustered indexes? First thing I'd do is remove unnecessary/redundant indexes. That's way more than should probably be on a table except in OLAP/datawarehouse.

    To move the indexes you use CREATE INDEX ... ON <new filegroup name> WITH DROP_EXISTING

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • you just need to rebuild the indexes on a new data file. So, steps would basically be:

    create new filegroup, perhaps "indexFG"

    create new datafile on that filegroup

    rebuild indexes on new filegroup (alter index indexname rebuild on XXX)

    now when you say, "all existing indexes" you need to reconognize that your clustered indexes contain the actual data pages, so if you relocate those, you are relocating the data. you might want to just relocate your non-clustered indexes.

    I did a similar task to the one you described and used a script created by Alexander Karmanov. I know he has it posted on the web somewhere, but since I cant seem to find it, I'm sure he wouldnt mind me reposting. I remember that I did have to perform some tweaking of his code to suit my needs


    ** Name: 02a. Tables moved to proper filegroups.sql

    ** Description: Script moves tables to proper filegroup if it's not aligned

    with a list which is derived from the model(s).

    Script structure:

    - A list (database, table, filegroup) is created.

    - Existence of all filegroups is checked - quits if there is an

    assumed filegroup that does not exist in the database.

    - Every table in the database is checked against that list.

    - For those having different filegroup a script is built

    and preserved: that script re-creates existing indexes

    (creates with drop existing)

    I.e. it repeats existing indexes

    for the table with the new filegroup specified.

    Since some of the non-clustered indexes may be located in

    a different filegroup, they are moved to the table's filegroup.

    See index (re-)creation script description below.

    - Those scripts are executed within a transaction one-by-one.

    Index (re-)creation script structure:

    1) compose drop index commands list create index commands list

    after existing indexes

    for non-clustered indexes which are located not in the desired

    filegroup or if the clustered index for the table is not in the

    desired filegroup.

    2) compose create index (with drop existing) commands for the clustered

    indexes that are to be moved. For tables without any clustered

    index the PK supporting index is made clustered and recreated with other.

    3) compose create index commands list after existing indexes

    for non-clustered indexes which are located not in the desired

    filegroup or if the clustered index for the table is not in the

    desired filegroup. The index creation command does not include

    filegroup name, so it will be created in the same filegroup

    as the table it belongs to.

    Those commands are saved in a table with following structure:

    - record id (identity)

    - table name

    - sequence number (the same as topics listed just above)

    - index name

    - sql command

    The very structure manipulation script will go through that table

    in order of table name then sequence number then index name

    (latter is just for convinience - to analyze the log).

    There will be a transaction for each table - too costly to make

    it around everything.

    Script comments verbosely its execution process at the run time.

    Script is assumed to be a part of incremental build fixig

    defect XXXXX - DatabaseB database discrepancies and a similar

    one for DatabaseA. They differ only with the table content.

    Script is also is assumed to be a tool for operations team

    parameterized by the table with tables/filegroups

    (see statements inserting data into #desired_layout table variable).

    In order to get all the messages in a printable form the script

    output must be directed to text or a file.

    NOTE: since that script can't move tables with BLOB attribute,

    such tables must be moved before by a separate script(s).


    ** Input Parameters: database/table/filegroup mapping in a form

    of insert statements (see configurable part below).

    ** Returns: a table with database/table/index names with filegroup names

    for each object: original one, configured(desired) one and the final one,

    status of the operation for each index is specified.

    ** Modification History

    ** Sr Date Modified By Reason

    ** 1 05/01/2007 Alexander Karmanov Initial version

    ** 2 07/17/2007 Alexander Karmanov Added DatabaseA database tables,

    added explicit option setting.

    ** 3 11/14/2007 Alexander Karmanov Reconfigured script:

    for tables in XXXXXXXXX repository

    specified PRIMARY filegroup instead of YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.


    use master


    set nocount on


    @script_name sysname


    @script_name = '02a. Tables moved to proper filegroups.sql'

    print replicate('-', 80)

    print 'Script name: ' + @script_name

    print 'Server: ' + @@servername

    print 'Database: ' + db_name()

    print 'User: ' + suser_sname()

    print 'Start time: ' + cast(getdate() as varchar)

    print replicate('-', 80)


    -- These six SET options must be set to ON


    -- This option must be set to OFF.



    Here is a configurable part:

    mapping between tables and filegroups


    -- declare a table with desired database tables layout

    if object_id('tempdb..#desired_layout') is not null drop table #desired_layout

    create table #desired_layout (database_name sysname, table_name sysname, filegroup_name sysname)

    insert into #desired_layout (database_name, table_name, filegroup_name)

    -- DatabaseA database

    select 'DatabaseA', 'system_conformance', 'PRIMARY' union all

    select 'DatabaseA', 'system_status', 'PRIMARY' union all

    select 'DatabaseA', 'table_a_1', 'SrvA_DbA__DatabaseA' union all

    -- DatabaseB database

    select 'DatabaseB', 'status_reason_type', 'SrvA_DbB_provider' union all

    select 'DatabaseB', 'table_a_1_item', 'SrvA_DbB_DatabaseB' union all

    select 'DatabaseB', 'table_a_2', 'SrvA_DbB_DatabaseB' union all

    select 'DatabaseB', 'unit_of_measure', 'SrvA_DbB_DatabaseB' union all

    select 'DatabaseB', 'workflow_status', 'SrvA_DbB_DatabaseB'


    End of configurable part,

    below goes the actual code



    use tempdb


    -- a table with the column list for all the indexes in the source database is prepared,

    -- but is left emtpy - it's needed to be created prior to a helper UDF

    if object_id('tempdb..index_columns') is not null drop table index_columns

    create table index_columns (database_name sysname, table_name sysname, index_name sysname,

    column_name sysname, key_no int,

    is_index_clustered bit, is_index_unique bit, is_column_descending bit)


    -- a helper function converting a table with column names into a comma-separated list

    if object_id('tempdb..f_get_column_list') is not null drop function f_get_column_list


    create function dbo.f_get_column_list (

    @database_name sysname,

    @table_name sysname,

    @index_name sysname


    returns varchar(8000)



    declare @col_list varchar(8000)

    select @col_list = isnull(@col_list + ', ', '') +

    column_name + ' ' +

    case is_column_descending when 1 then 'DESC' else '' end

    from index_columns

    where database_name = @database_name

    and table_name = @table_name

    and index_name = @index_name

    order by key_no

    return @col_list



    -- after that point the only 'go' command is the very final one - many variables are reused.


    @sql varchar(8000),

    @crlf char(2),

    @rowcnt int


    @crlf = char(13) + char(10),

    @sql = ''

    -- check for existence of all the filegroups mentioned in the layout table, exit if there is any problem:

    -- get a list of existing filegroups for all the databases:

    if object_id('tempdb..#existing_filegroups') is not null drop table #existing_filegroups

    create table #existing_filegroups (database_name sysname, filegroup_name sysname)

    select @sql = @sql + @crlf + 'select ''' + database_name + ''' as database_name, groupname as group_name from ' +

    database_name + '.dbo.sysfilegroups union all'

    from #desired_layout

    group by database_name


    @sql = replace (@sql + ';', 'union all;', '')

    insert into #existing_filegroups (database_name, filegroup_name)


    (select @rowcnt = count(distinct d.filegroup_name)

    from #desired_layout d

    left join #existing_filegroups e

    on d.database_name = e.database_name

    and d.filegroup_name = e.filegroup_name

    where e.database_name is null)

    if @rowcnt > 0


    select 'In ' + upper(d.database_name) + ' database there is no filegroup ''' + upper(d.filegroup_name) + ''''

    as 'Filegroups that does not exist in the target database:'

    from #desired_layout d

    left join #existing_filegroups e

    on d.database_name = e.database_name

    and d.filegroup_name = e.filegroup_name

    where e.database_name is null

    group by d.database_name, d.filegroup_name

    print 'Script is aborted because there is at least one filegroup that does not exist (see above).'



    print 'Check for the missing filegroups completed successfully - all the filegroups mentioned in the list do exist.'

    -- get the existing database/table/index/filegroup layout

    if object_id('tempdb..#existing_layout') is not null drop table #existing_layout

    create table #existing_layout (database_name sysname, table_name sysname, index_name sysname, ind_id int,

    filegroup_name sysname, is_pk_or_uk int, table_filegroup_name sysname)

    select @sql = null

    select @sql = isnull(@sql + @crlf + 'union all' + @crlf, '') + 'select ''' + database_name + ''' as database_name, ' + @crlf +

    ' as table_name, as index_name, i.indid as ind_id, g.groupname as filegroup_name, ' + @crlf +

    'case when = then 1 else 0 end as is_pk_or_uk, ' + @crlf +

    'g2.groupname as table_filegroup_name ' + @crlf +

    ' from ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysobjects o ' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysindexes i ' + @crlf +

    ' on = ' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysfilegroups g ' + @crlf +

    ' on i.groupid = g.groupid ' + @crlf +

    ' left join (select, ' + @crlf +

    ' from ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysconstraints c ' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysobjects o2 ' + @crlf +

    ' on c.constid = ' + @crlf +

    ' where o2.xtype in (''PK'', ''UQ'')) k ' + @crlf +

    ' on = ' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysindexes i2 ' + @crlf +

    ' on = ' + @crlf +

    ' and i2.indid < 2 ' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysfilegroups g2 ' + @crlf +

    ' on i2.groupid = g2.groupid ' + @crlf +

    ' where o.xtype = ''U'' ' + @crlf +

    ' and not like ''\_WA%'' escape ''\'' ' + @crlf +

    ' --and indexproperty(object_id(,, ''isstatistics'') = 0 ' + @crlf +

    ' and i.indid < 255 ' + @crlf

    from #desired_layout

    group by database_name

    insert into #existing_layout (database_name, table_name, index_name, ind_id, filegroup_name, is_pk_or_uk, table_filegroup_name)


    -- compose table with commands changing the database structure

    if object_id('tempdb..#sql') is not null drop table #sql

    create table #sql (rowid int identity (1,1), database_name sysname, table_name sysname,

    index_name sysname, seq_number int, sql varchar(7000))

    -- get all the indexes that must be dropped:

    -- 1. indexes that are not clustered, are not created as PK or UNIQUE constraint.

    -- 2. either:

    -- 2a. index is located not in a desired filegroup

    -- 2b. clustered index on the table (index belongs to) is located not in a desired filegroup

    -- All those indexes got sequence code of 1 meaning it will be executed first.

    insert #sql (database_name, table_name, index_name, seq_number, sql)

    select distinct e.database_name, e.table_name, e.index_name, 1 as seq_number,

    sql = 'use ' + e.database_name + '; drop index dbo.' + e.table_name + '.' + e.index_name

    from #existing_layout e

    join #desired_layout d

    on e.database_name = d.database_name

    and e.table_name = d.table_name

    where e.is_pk_or_uk = 0

    and e.ind_id > 1

    and (

    e.filegroup_name <> d.filegroup_name


    e.table_filegroup_name <> d.filegroup_name


    -- get all the indexes that must be created as clustered with drop_existing option:

    -- 1. all the indexes that are clustered or PK or unique

    -- (all the PK indexes on the tables that don't have clustered key get here as PK/UQ so the distinction needs to be done -

    -- when the CLUSTERED word is included.)

    -- All those indexes got sequence code of 2 meaning they will be executed when all the dependant indexes are dropped

    -- The very command is to be added later - now just identifiers.

    insert #sql (database_name, table_name, index_name, seq_number, sql)

    select distinct e.database_name, e.table_name, e.index_name, 2 as seq_number,

    sql = 'use ' + e.database_name + '; create %unique% %clustered% index ' + e.index_name + ' on dbo.' + e.table_name +

    '(%column_list%) with fillfactor = 90, drop_existing on ' + quotename(d.filegroup_name)

    from #existing_layout e

    join #desired_layout d

    on e.database_name = d.database_name

    and e.table_name = d.table_name


    e.is_pk_or_uk = 1 -- check for PK or unique key

    or e.ind_id = 1 -- indid in sysindexes means clustered key on table

    -- get all the indexes that are dropped in the first step - with the new destination filegroup and

    -- all the parameters like fillfactor, and so on.

    -- no need to analyze layouts, just take those that were marked as to be dropped and

    -- compose create index statement for them.

    insert #sql (database_name, table_name, index_name, seq_number, sql)

    select distinct s.database_name, s.table_name, s.index_name, 3 as seq_number,

    sql = 'use ' + s.database_name + '; create %unique% nonclustered index ' + s.index_name + ' on dbo.' + s.table_name +

    '(%column_list%) with fillfactor = 90 on ' + quotename(d.filegroup_name)

    from #sql s

    join #desired_layout d

    on s.database_name = d.database_name

    and s.table_name = d.table_name

    where seq_number = 1

    -- get attributes, column lists from the existing database

    select @sql = null

    select @sql = isnull(@sql + @crlf, '') +

    'use ' + database_name + @crlf +

    'insert into tempdb..index_columns (database_name, table_name, index_name, column_name, ' + @crlf +

    ' key_no, is_index_clustered, is_index_unique, is_column_descending)' + @crlf +

    'select ''' + database_name + ''', as table_name, as index_name, as column_name, k.keyno, ' + @crlf +

    ' INDEXPROPERTY (,, ''isclustered'') as is_index_clustered,' + @crlf +

    ' INDEXPROPERTY (,, ''isunique'') as is_index_unique,' + @crlf +

    ' INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(, i.indid, k.keyno, ''isdescending'') as is_column_descending' + @crlf +

    ' from ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysobjects o' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysindexes i' + @crlf +

    ' on =' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysindexkeys k' + @crlf +

    ' on =' + @crlf +

    ' and i.indid = k.indid' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.syscolumns c' + @crlf +

    ' on k.colid = c.colid' + @crlf +

    ' and =' + @crlf +

    ' where ' + @crlf +

    ' o.xtype = ''U''' + @crlf +

    ' and INDEXPROPERTY (,, ''isstatistics'') = 0' + @crlf +


    from #desired_layout

    group by database_name


    -- replace %column_list% placeholders in the index creation statements with proper column list

    update #sql

    set sql = replace(sql, '%column_list%', dbo.f_get_column_list(database_name, table_name, index_name))

    -- specify proper clustered option for indexes:

    -- for indexes that are clustered already:

    update s

    set sql = replace(sql, '%clustered%', 'clustered')

    from #sql s

    join tempdb..index_columns ic

    on s.database_name = ic.database_name

    and s.table_name = ic.table_name

    and s.index_name = ic.index_name

    and ic.is_index_clustered = 1

    -- for indexes that are PK in table without any clustered index - we make PK indexes clustered,

    -- so it will be rebuilt in the new (desired) filegroup.

    update s

    set sql = replace(sql, '%clustered%', 'clustered')

    from #sql s

    join tempdb..index_columns ic

    on s.database_name = ic.database_name

    and s.table_name = ic.table_name

    and s.index_name = ic.index_name

    join #existing_layout e

    on s.database_name = e.database_name

    and s.table_name = e.database_name

    and e.ind_id = 0 -- that means the table is a heap right now (no clustered index)

    -- for the rest set it as nonclustered

    update s

    set sql = replace(sql, '%clustered%', 'nonclustered')

    from #sql s

    -- specify proper unique option for indexes:

    -- for indexes that are clustered already:

    update s

    set sql = replace(sql, '%unique%', 'unique')

    from #sql s

    join tempdb..index_columns ic

    on s.database_name = ic.database_name

    and s.table_name = ic.table_name

    and s.index_name = ic.index_name

    and ic.is_index_unique = 1

    -- for the rest set it as non-unique

    update s

    set sql = replace(sql, '%unique%', '')

    from #sql s

    -- at this point all the commands are prepared in #sql table

    -- and all we need is just to execute them one-by-one.

    -- Actions for a table are wrapped into a transaction,

    -- so if there is any error no table indexes structures

    print cast(getdate() as varchar) + ': Starting processing the tables'


    @rowid int,

    @database_name sysname,

    @table_name sysname,

    @index_name sysname,

    @seq_number int

    declare t cursor static for

    select distinct database_name, table_name

    from #sql

    order by database_name, table_name

    open t

    fetch next from t into @database_name, @table_name

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    print cast(getdate() as varchar) + ': Processing table ' + @table_name + ' in ' + @database_name + ' database'

    begin tran

    declare i cursor static for

    select rowid, index_name, sql, seq_number

    from #sql

    where database_name = @database_name

    and table_name = @table_name

    order by seq_number, index_name

    open i

    fetch next from i into @rowid, @index_name, @sql, @seq_number

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    if @seq_number = 1 print cast(getdate() as varchar) + ': Dropping index ' + @table_name + '.' + @index_name

    else if @seq_number = 2 print cast(getdate() as varchar) + ': Moving index ' + @table_name + '.' + @index_name + ' to another filegroup'

    else if @seq_number = 3 print cast(getdate() as varchar) + ': Re-creating index ' + @table_name + '.' + @index_name

    print cast(getdate() as varchar) + ': A command to be executed: ' + @sql


    -- if there is an error - stop processing that table, rolling back transaction for it and reporting failure for it

    if @@error <> 0



    print cast(getdate() as varchar) + ': Command failed to execute'



    print cast(getdate() as varchar) + ': Command successfully completed'

    fetch next from i into @rowid, @index_name, @sql, @seq_number


    close i

    deallocate i

    -- if we have uncommitted transaction here that means no error occured in th loop on the indexes

    -- and there is no transaction rollback issued above - i.e. everything is fine for that table,

    -- report success on it (and commit it of course):

    if @@trancount > 0



    print cast(getdate() as varchar) + ': Successfully processed table ' + @table_name + ' in ' + @database_name + ' database'


    fetch next from t into @database_name, @table_name

    end -- of loop on t cursor

    close t

    deallocate t

    -- get the tables layout after the changes (similar to what was done before the changes:

    -- get the existing database/table/index/filegroup layout

    if object_id('tempdb..#updated_layout') is not null drop table #updated_layout

    create table #updated_layout (database_name sysname, table_name sysname, index_name sysname, ind_id int,

    filegroup_name sysname, is_pk_or_uk int, table_filegroup_name sysname)

    select @sql = null

    select @sql = isnull(@sql + @crlf + 'union all' + @crlf, '') + 'select ''' + database_name + ''' as database_name, ' + @crlf +

    ' as table_name, as index_name, i.indid as ind_id, g.groupname as filegroup_name, ' + @crlf +

    'case when = then 1 else 0 end as is_pk_or_uk, ' + @crlf +

    'g2.groupname as table_filegroup_name ' + @crlf +

    ' from ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysobjects o ' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysindexes i ' + @crlf +

    ' on = ' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysfilegroups g ' + @crlf +

    ' on i.groupid = g.groupid ' + @crlf +

    ' left join (select, ' + @crlf +

    ' from ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysconstraints c ' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysobjects o2 ' + @crlf +

    ' on c.constid = ' + @crlf +

    ' where o2.xtype in (''PK'', ''UQ'')) k ' + @crlf +

    ' on = ' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysindexes i2 ' + @crlf +

    ' on = ' + @crlf +

    ' and i2.indid < 2 ' + @crlf +

    ' join ' + database_name + '.dbo.sysfilegroups g2 ' + @crlf +

    ' on i2.groupid = g2.groupid ' + @crlf +

    ' where o.xtype = ''U'' ' + @crlf +

    ' and not like ''\_WA%'' escape ''\'' ' + @crlf +

    ' --and indexproperty(object_id(,, ''isstatistics'') = 0 ' + @crlf +

    ' and i.indid < 255 ' + @crlf

    from #desired_layout

    group by database_name

    insert into #updated_layout (database_name, table_name, index_name, ind_id, filegroup_name, is_pk_or_uk, table_filegroup_name)


    -- report difference between the previously existing layout, what was the intent and what we've got after the update:

    print 'Script execution status report (see the grid if it is not displayed below):'


    e.database_name + '.' + e.table_name + '.' + e.index_name as object,

    e.filegroup_name as original_fileroup,

    isnull(d.filegroup_name, 'NOT CONFIGURED') as desired_new_filegroup,

    isnull(u.filegroup_name, 'OBJECT DISAPPEARED!!!') as actual_new_filegroup,


    when d.filegroup_name is null then 'NOT CONFIGURED'

    when u.filegroup_name is null then 'OBJECT WAS LOST'

    when d.filegroup_name <> u.filegroup_name then 'NO UPDATE HAPPENED'

    else 'ok'

    end as update_status

    from #existing_layout e

    left join #updated_layout u

    on e.database_name = u.database_name

    and e.table_name = u.table_name

    and e.index_name = u.index_name

    left join #desired_layout d

    on e.database_name = d.database_name

    and e.table_name = d.table_name

    where e.ind_id > 0 -- no need to show items for the heap (which item is not actually an index anyway).

    -- If such heap table has a PK it is shown in a separate line (with ind_id > 1)

    order by e.database_name, e.table_name, e.index_name


    -- clean-up

    use tempdb

    if object_id('tempdb..f_get_column_list') is not null drop function f_get_column_list

    if object_id('tempdb..index_columns') is not null drop table index_columns


    -- to release any database we switched to

    use master


    -- the end of the script


    -- script output end printed

    print replicate('-', 80)

    print 'Completion time: ' + cast(getdate() as varchar)

    print replicate('-', 80)


  • Can you just confirm something, are all 4 drive letters simly paritions on the same mirrored pair of discs?

    From what you said in the original post it sounds like you only have two PHYSICAL discs in the server, and they are configured as RAID 1 (Raid 1+0 needs more than two), and then they have been logically partitioned in to 4 drives that Windows sees.

    If so moving indexes to differerent NDF files, and moving files around partitions is not likely to gain you much at all.

    Can you post the full hardware spec and database sizes?


  • Mike John (8/20/2011)

    Can you just confirm something, are all 4 drive letters simly paritions on the same mirrored pair of discs?

    From what you said in the original post it sounds like you only have two PHYSICAL discs in the server, and they are configured as RAID 1 (Raid 1+0 needs more than two), and then they have been logically partitioned in to 4 drives that Windows sees.

    If so moving indexes to differerent NDF files, and moving files around partitions is not likely to gain you much at all.

    Can you post the full hardware spec and database sizes?


    Mike, I had the same questions - but to expand on this, are the LUNs coming from an Enterprise SAN? If so, how many spindles are supporting those LUNs?

    The other question I have is: are you actually experiencing issues that you believe this will resolve?

    Just for clarity, I have a 1.3TB database in a single MDF file and no issues with IO performance. The LUN for the data files (more than 1 database, but the others are all much smaller and minimally accessed) is presented from a EMC/DMX SAN with more than 50 spindles backing that LUN. Because of how the LUN is created - it is virtually separated into 4 separate groups which is more or less equivalent to splitting the data file across 4 physical LUNs in a single filegroup.

    So - I would recommend before going through the hassle of splitting everything out, you need to understand the SAN architecture and how it is configured before making the determination that splitting out between index and data filegroups - or splitting into multiple files in a filegroup - will actually help.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • Couldn't agree more!

    I may have missed it but I did not see SAN mentioned at all so was assuming (dangerous!) a simple pair of mirrored local discs.

    (Need input)


  • Yes - definitely need more input, and I wasn't assuming SAN or DAS...

    I see this a lot, and the assumption by the person is that splitting out data and indexes will solve their problems - but, in most cases it is either unnecessary overhead or will actually cause more performance issues.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • Jeffrey Williams-493691 (8/20/2011)

    Yes - definitely need more input, and I wasn't assuming SAN or DAS...

    I see this a lot, and the assumption by the person is that splitting out data and indexes will solve their problems - but, in most cases it is either unnecessary overhead or will actually cause more performance issues.

    Splitting out data and non-clustered indexes and placing the 2 filegroups in separate disks is a Microsoft best practice, from what I remember reading somewhere.

    SQL Server 2016 Columnstore Index Enhancements - System Views for Disk-Based Tables[/url]
    Persisting SQL Server Index-Usage Statistics with MERGE[/url]
    Turbocharge Your Database Maintenance With Service Broker: Part 2[/url]

  • Marios Philippopoulos (8/20/2011)

    Jeffrey Williams-493691 (8/20/2011)

    Yes - definitely need more input, and I wasn't assuming SAN or DAS...

    I see this a lot, and the assumption by the person is that splitting out data and indexes will solve their problems - but, in most cases it is either unnecessary overhead or will actually cause more performance issues.

    Splitting out data and non-clustered indexes and placing the 2 filegroups in separate disks is a Microsoft best practice, from what I remember reading somewhere.

    Which does not automatically make it a good thing to do.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
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  • GilaMonster (8/20/2011)

    Marios Philippopoulos (8/20/2011)

    Jeffrey Williams-493691 (8/20/2011)

    Yes - definitely need more input, and I wasn't assuming SAN or DAS...

    I see this a lot, and the assumption by the person is that splitting out data and indexes will solve their problems - but, in most cases it is either unnecessary overhead or will actually cause more performance issues.

    Splitting out data and non-clustered indexes and placing the 2 filegroups in separate disks is a Microsoft best practice, from what I remember reading somewhere.

    Which does not automatically make it a good thing to do.


    By creating the nonclustered index on a different filegroup, you can achieve performance gains if the filegroups are using different physical drives with their own controllers. Data and index information can then be read in parallel by the multiple disk heads. For example, if Table_A on filegroup f1 and Index_A on filegroup f2 are both being used by the same query, performance gains can be achieved because both filegroups are being fully used without contention.

    I'm not sure in what scenario the above would not be true?

    SQL Server 2016 Columnstore Index Enhancements - System Views for Disk-Based Tables[/url]
    Persisting SQL Server Index-Usage Statistics with MERGE[/url]
    Turbocharge Your Database Maintenance With Service Broker: Part 2[/url]

  • When most of my queries use covering indexes

    When my data is in cache already (which hopefully is most of the time)

    When a query is only using the clustered indexes of the tables it's querying.

    When those two drives share the same IO channel at any point

    To pull that off and have it show performance improvements you need to do a lot more thought and a lot more design than just 'tables on filegroup 1, indexes on filegroup 2'

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (8/21/2011)


    To pull that off and have it show performance improvements you need to do a lot more thought and a lot more design than just 'tables on filegroup 1, indexes on filegroup 2'

    Indeed, but I think most of us started with the scenario as pointed in this thread.

    It is a first step and IMHO a good one to work on experience with the topology and science of when and how to split data and indexes.


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  • ALZDBA (8/21/2011)

    It is a first step and IMHO a good one to work on experience with the topology and science of when and how to split data and indexes.


    There are multiple reasons why one might want to split data over filegroups. If only looking at performance, data from indexes is easy to do, but all too likely not to show measureable performance gains.

    Is it going to hurt? Unlikely

    Is it going to help performance? Maybe

    The problem I have with that blanket recommendation is that it's too simplistic, which, for a change, BoL does actually mention. Continuing the quote from where Marios left off

    However, if Table_A is scanned by the query but Index_A is not referenced, only filegroup f1 is used. This creates no performance gain.

    Because you cannot predict what type of access will occur and when it will occur, it could be a better decision to spread your tables and indexes across all filegroups. This would guarantee that all disks are being accessed because all data and indexes are spread evenly across all disks, regardless of which way the data is accessed. This is also a simpler approach for system administrators.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (8/21/2011)

    ALZDBA (8/21/2011)

    It is a first step and IMHO a good one to work on experience with the topology and science of when and how to split data and indexes.


    There are multiple reasons why one might want to split data over filegroups. If only looking at performance, data from indexes is easy to do, but all too likely not to show measureable performance gains.

    Is it going to hurt? Unlikely

    Is it going to help performance? Maybe

    The problem I have with that blanket recommendation is that it's too simplistic, which, for a change, BoL does actually mention. Continuing the quote from where Marios left off

    However, if Table_A is scanned by the query but Index_A is not referenced, only filegroup f1 is used. This creates no performance gain.

    Because you cannot predict what type of access will occur and when it will occur, it could be a better decision to spread your tables and indexes across all filegroups. This would guarantee that all disks are being accessed because all data and indexes are spread evenly across all disks, regardless of which way the data is accessed. This is also a simpler approach for system administrators.

    Ah, indeed. I didn't read over the full bol topic. Now I can place your statement better.

    There is indeed more to this topic than just straight forward data on 1 and indexes on 2.

    Thanks for the elaboration.

    OP will by now understand there is more to challenge than just this split 😉


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