Checkbox group in Security and Search

  • When adding a group in SQL Server 2008 R2 and clicking on "Search" to do this, the checbox "Group" is not checked in "Object Types" by default.

    It is annoying to type in domain\group and then click "Check names" button just to find that the user does not exists because it is a group.

    How do you or is there a way to set this to allways be checked?

  • Are you using Check Names just to validate? i.e. are you usually provided the complete domain\account info? If so, while the GUI is good for some things, these types of things are much more efficiently done using T-SQL:


    -- add to fixed server roles here

    -- create database user statements here

    -- add to database roles here

    You could install the SSMS Tools Pack or buy redgate SQL Prompt[/url] (looks pricey, but worth every penny), both offer code snippet functionality, to gain easy access to the syntax in a query window.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I am doing this as I am enterring a new user and to check if I spelled the name correctly, i.e. fetching group from AD.

    I would like to have that checkbox allways to be checked if it is possible

  • If you spell it incorrectly the CREATE LOGIN command will let you know via refusing to create a login off a non-existent AD group. Sorry, I can't help with the GUI issue.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks anyhow. I'll address Microsoft with this

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