JDBC and MYECLIPSE Connectivity to named instance.

  • Hi All,

    Thanks for looking in to my question.

    I have two SQL Server named instances on two different servers. One of them is SQL Server 2008R2 STANDARD and the other one is SQL SERVER 2008 R2 EXPRESS.

    I am able to connect to both the named instances using SSMS from a developer's computer (i.e SQL Browser Service is working as expected).

    But, When we try connect using JDBC driver through the application we are getting a connectivity error on one of the instances (EXPRESS) but the other one works fine (STANDARD).

    The only difference that I noted down is that on the STANDARD Server, both TCP and UDP is open on port 1434 where as only UDP is open on the EXPRESS Server.

    So, we approached our Sysadmin to open TCP on 1434 as well on the EXPRESS Instance...He is saying that there is no firewall at all on that server...

    So we are all confused...

    Have any of you come across a problem like this..?

    Any help..???



  • You may need to enable SQL Express to accept remote connections if not already done.


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Hi Jason,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am able to make remote connections using SSMS.

    Only the JDBC connectivity is giving issues..



  • If you can connect via ssms, then the issue is not server side. It is with the jdbc connection string you are using.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Thanks Jason...Let me do some research

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