Replace (--)

  • Hi,

    I need to do a replace of "--" per nothing.

    I have tried this:


    Because the "--" it's a comment i can´t do this...

    How can i replace "--" per ''

    thank you

  • I've just tested this and it works.

    select replace('This -- is a sample --','--','')

    Returning: This is a sample



    Nothing in life is ever so complicated that with a little work it can't be made more complicated.

  • I just tried this on 2008 and the replace works as expected. The -- has been replaced with an empty string, the - is left asis. I don't have access to 2005 at the moment.

    with cte as

    (select '--' as col1

    union all

    select '-'


    select REPLACE(col1,'--','') as repcol from cte



  • i'm guess it's more complicated than the original post's simple REPLACE function

    ...for example if he's trying to replace stored procedure text, but there's code that does something like ISNULL(Category,'--');

    he cannot simply replace the -- because the comments after it break the proc.

    he'll need to do a smarter search, like searching for '--' instead of just --, or use regular expressions to get fancy.


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