problems with temporary tables in reports

  • I have to create a report by using a stored procedure. stored procedure contains temporary table .At the time of creating a report. I am getting an error message : Invaild object name . Doesn't the report support the temporary tables. If so , is there any alternative way to create the report. I tried by using table variables .. my senior dba told me not use table variables ..

  • Pretty sparse on details. There is no reason that a stored proc called from a report can't use temp tables. Does the proc work when run outside the report?


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  • I have several reports that rely on procs that use temp tables or table variables. We would need more info on this question to be able to answer it fully.

    SSRS does support temp tables.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Not enough information to really help.

    Read the article at and follow the instructions on what information to post and how to post it. The more information you provide, the better answers you will get.

    Will also need to see the code for your stored procedure.





    Alter proc [dbo].[CdoeOrders_Test]

    @userid nvarchar(20) ,

    @StartDate dateTime ,

    @EndDate dateTime


    select b.User_ID ,d.First_Name+' '+ d.Last_Name as FullName,a.Cust_Name ,a.Cust_Num,SUM( b.PO_AMT) as TotalOrderAmount ,COUNT(*) as TotalOrders

    into #Orderstastics


    inner join BIDMAN_COMMON.dbo.LeCustomer a

    on a.LE=b.LE and b.CUST_ID = a.Cust_Num

    inner join ORDER_CANADA.dbo.NEG_JOB c


    inner join BIDMAN_COMMON.dbo.USER_PROFILE d

    on c.OWNER_ID = d.SALESMAN

    where b.NEG_NUMBER not like '1000%' and SourceSystem ='CDOE' and (c.OWNER_ID = @userid or @userid is NUll )

    and CONVERT(CHAR(10),b.Created,120) between CONVERT( CHAR(10),@Startdate,120) and Convert ( CHAR(10),@EndDate,120)

    group by a.Cust_Name,a.CUST_Num,b.USER_ID,d.FIRST_NAME,d.LAST_NAME

    insert into #Orderstastics

    select b.User_ID ,d.First_Name+' '+ d.Last_Name as FullName , a.Cust_Name ,a.Cust_Num, SUM( b.PO_AMT)as TotalOrderAmount , Count(*) as TotalOrders


    inner join BIDMAN_COMMON.dbo.LeCustomer a

    on a.LE=b.LE and b.CUST_ID=a.Cust_Num

    inner join ORDER_GLOBAL.dbo.NEG_JOB c


    inner join BIDMAN_COMMON.dbo.USER_PROFILE d

    on b.LE = d.LE

    where b.NEG_NUMBER not like '1000%' and SourceSystem ='CDOE' and (c.OWNER_ID = @userid or @userid is NUll )

    and CONVERT(CHAR(10),b.Created,120) between CONVERT( CHAR(10),@Startdate,120) and Convert ( CHAR(10),@EndDate,120)

    group by a.Cust_Name,a.CUST_Num,b.USER_ID,d.FIRST_NAME,d.LAST_NAME

    insert into #Orderstastics

    select b.User_ID ,d.First_Name+' '+ d.Last_Name as FullName ,a.Cust_Name ,a.Cust_Num,SUM( b.PO_AMT) as TotalOrderAmount ,Count(*) as TotalOrders

    from ORDER_MAN.dbo.ORDHEAD b

    inner join BIDMAN_COMMON.dbo.LeCustomer a

    on a.LE=b.LE and b.cust_id = a.Cust_Num

    inner join ORDER_MAN.dbo.NEG_JOB c


    inner join BIDMAN_COMMON.dbo.USER_PROFILE d

    on b.LE = d.LE

    where b.NEG_NUMBER not like '1000%' and SourceSystem ='CDOE' and (USER_ID = @userid or @userid is NUll )

    and CONVERT(CHAR(10),b.Created,120) between CONVERT( CHAR(10),@Startdate,120) and Convert ( CHAR(10),@EndDate,120)

    group by a.Cust_Name,a.CUST_Num,b.USER_ID,d.FIRST_NAME,d.LAST_NAME

    insert into #Orderstastics

    select b.User_ID , d.First_Name+','+ d.Last_Name as FullName,a.Cust_Name ,a.Cust_Num, SUM( b.PO_AMT) as TotalOrderAmount , Count (*) as TotalOrders

    from ORDER_OEM.dbo.ORDHEAD b

    inner join BIDMAN_COMMON.dbo.LeCustomer a

    on a.LE=b.LE and b.CUST_ID=a.Cust_Num

    inner join ORDER_OEM.dbo.NEG_JOB c


    inner join BIDMAN_COMMON.dbo.USER_PROFILE d

    on b.LE = d.LE

    where b.NEG_NUMBER not like '1000%' and SourceSystem ='CDOE' and (USER_ID = @userid or @userid is NUll )

    and CONVERT(CHAR(10),b.Created,120) between CONVERT( CHAR(10),@Startdate,120) and Convert ( CHAR(10),@EndDate,120)

    group by a.Cust_Name,a.CUST_Num,b.USER_ID,d.FIRST_NAME,d.LAST_NAME

    Select * from #Orderstastics

    order by USER_ID

    This is my stored procedure .. I can execute the stored procedure in management studio. But , when I am creating a report . I am getting an error message invalid object name ( #Orderstatics) . I tried by using global temporary table.

  • Is that the complete and unabridge error message or is there more to it?

  • How are you calling the stored procedure from SSRS?

    One of the things I do differently than you (and since they work on my end), is to list out the columns rather than do a Select *. I also create the table and then perform insert into for all insertions.

    If that doesn't work, the next possibility is to call the proc from a second proc. Then use the calling proc in the report.

    Last thing, I noticed that your error message has a misspelled temp table different from the temp table used in the proc. Maybe it is just a typo - but thought I would bring that up.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • error Message :Invalid object name '#Orderstatics'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider). I am getting

  • Sounds like you are not calling the stored proc then because the temp table in the proc is


    Either that, or you have an error within the proc that you corrected when posting the query.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • It is a typo error invalid Object Name #Orderstastics

  • So the question remains, how are you calling the stored procedure in your dataset?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • ADD-->> Report --> NewItem -->> Report -->> Dataset -->>commandtype--'Storedprocedure'-->>Querystring--'Procedurename'

  • kodalisridevi (4/18/2012)

    error Message :Invalid object name '#Orderstatics'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider). I am getting

    This is the complete error message? No line number, nothing on any additional line? Anything in any of the error logs?

  • Nope , I have Copied the error message

  • kodalisridevi (4/18/2012)

    ADD-->> Report --> NewItem -->> Report -->> Dataset -->>commandtype--'Storedprocedure'-->>Querystring--'Procedurename'

    And when you test the dataset here, it errors?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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