Scheduled Agent Job Not Run

  • Hi,

    On running my standard checks this morning I found that a scheduled overnight job did not run. The job is enabled, as is its schedule. There is nothing in either the server or sql agent error logs to explain why the job did not run as scheduled.

    This is the only overnight job scheduled, so I can't see if other jobs have ben affected. It was scheduled to run at 11pm. A job scheduled for 7pm ran as expected. I've restarted the agent process to try to resolve the problem, hopefully this should do the trick.

    I've seen this thread, which talks of a similar problem, but has no explanation of the cause. I wondered if anyone out there had seen something similar and understood what the cause of the problem might have been?

    Regards, Iain

    Edit: Link Address

  • Iain

    Is it possible that SQL Server (or SQL Server Agent) wasn't running at the time the job was scheduled? Maybe somebody restarted the server, or perhaps if you have a cluster, there was a failover at that exact moment. If you run sp_who2, you can see the last start time for SQL Server by looking at LastBatch for SPID 1.


  • Hi John,

    No restart and as far as I can tell, the agent service was running at the time as I see no termination event in the agent error log.

    Thanks, Iain

    Edit: derp

  • Have you checked that the job and schedule are enabled, and that the schedule does not have an end date?

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