Excel Source to Flat File Destination

  • Hello Guys/Gals,

    I have a spreadsheet that I am converting to a flat file.


    -Identity Code

    -Account #'s

    -Address lines (

    -Shareholdings (Amount of stock someone owns)

    -And a few more columns with data


    Flat File:

    -Account #'s

    -Address Lines


    Now my flat file needs to be in a fixed format that is and the shares position needs to be padded out with zero's to fulfill 18 character length. I am not quite sure how to achieve this or even manipulate the data.

    Please assist.

  • Not sure if you want left or right padding so I will take a stab that you want them right filled. Let's say you have AccountNum of variable length and you want to make it fill with 0's to the right for a total field length of 15.

    select left(cast(AccountNum as varchar(15)) + replicate('0', 15), 15) as AccountNum

    Just add this same type of logic to each column. If you want the 0's on the other side just switch them in the select and take right instead of left.

    --edit-- fat fingers.


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  • Right idea Sean but I believe he'll need to use a derived column instead, since I'm assuming he's using SSIS. Can replace the existing but I usually prefer a new one for things that can change the metadata formatting, and you need this to be a string when done.

    What you'll want is an expression similar to the following:

    RIGHT( REPLICATE( (DT_STR,30,1252)"0", 18) + (DT_STR,30,1252) [Col1], 18)

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  • Evil Kraig,

    Thanks for that expression. Really on the money with that. Taking that into consideration, how would I add zero's to the end of the string as well as in the beginning.

    Your expression showed me that it added the 0's at the beginning of the string to pad out until the length reaches 18 characters.

    Now considering that, I have a column of share positions whole positions and decimal positions.


    -What I have:





    -What I want:




  • Note: Assume the column is right justified





  • Just need to reverse it.

    RIGHT( REPLICATE( (DT_STR,30,1252)"0", 18) + (DT_STR,30,1252) [Col1], 18)


    LEFT((DT_STR,30,1252) [Col1] + REPLICATE( (DT_STR,30,1252)"0", 18), 18)


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/

  • fabulous617 (1/5/2012)

    Now considering that, I have a column of share positions whole positions and decimal positions.


    -What I have:





    -What I want:




    So, you're assuming 6 decimal positions and 14 on the whole number? You'll have to break them into separate components and then recombine them as text. For example, I'd first use a derived column that would break them into their whole and decimal components, so I knew I was dealing with xxxxx.00 and 0.xxxxx. Now, I'd turn them into unique strings after multiplying your decimal by 100000 to turn it into a whole number first with 6 positions. Now pad the original whole number portion and then concatonate the two.

    EDIT: Or you could just multiply your number by 100000 before doing anything and trimming off any trailing decimals, then padding as you already were... 🙂

    - Craig Farrell

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