Your success as a Data Professional is directly dependant to the quality of service you provide your customers. Are you confident you’re doing enough?
Here’s What Not to Do
Recently I had what I can only describe politely as a very poor customer experience. This was not merely the result of a single conversation or communication but rather a catalogue of repeated failures on the part of the company I was dealing with, who unfortunately demonstrated a total disregard for me as a customer.
It goes without saying that the experience was frustrating and left me feeling a little despondent but for the most part I was actually just disappointed. I was disappointed because it’s really quite simple to provide good customer service and with just a tiny little bit of extra effort you can even provide outstanding service! Now wouldn’t that be something……
I’m willing to dismiss my experience as just a one off on this occasion and instead wish to use it as an opportunity to highlight some of the things that I consider key elements to providing good customer service, with a particular focus on what good customer service is for the Data Professional. In other words you and me
I’ll be covering not just the essentials but also how to really improve your customer service.
Why Outstanding Customer Service?
I’m sure the benefits of providing good customer service are clear to most of us already so I won’t go into it here. The fact that you’re reading this post right now tells me that you’re not the type to settle for just doing things well.
You take your profession seriously. You understand that there’s more to being an outstanding Data Professional than technical skills alone, there’s an art to it. You enjoy being good at what you do and continually learning to do it better. If your customers are happy, then you’re happy.
How To Provide Outstanding Customer Service
Over the next few days we’re going to look at some of the key elements to delivering outstanding customer service as a Data Professional including:
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“Let’s make this week an outstanding week for our customers.”