Get the course which has maximum no.of students enrolled

  • Hi ,

    We have 3 tables for ex student(sid,sname,dob), course(cid,cname,duration) and enroll(sid,cid,marks)

    I need a query to get the course which has maximum no.of students enrolled.

    --- sample table and data

    create table student(sid smallint identity,sname varchar(20) not null,dob smalldatetime)

    create table course(cid smallint identity,cname varchar(20) not null,duration int)

    create table enroll(sid int not null,cid int not null,marks int)

    Insert into student values ('XXX','1990/2/12'), ('AAA,'1990/2/12'), ('YYY','1990/2/12'), ('ZZZ','1990/2/12')

    insert into course values ('C1',3), ('C2',3), ('C2',3)

    insert into enroll values (1,1,null), (1,2,null), (2,1,null), (2,2,null), (2,3,null),(3,1,null),(4,2,null)

    I have a working solution using CTE. I want the result with simple select with group by and having.

    Might look like homework :hehe:

  • Looks very much like homework, yes. So, what about give it at try yourself, and then post your attempt to solve it?

    Ole Kristian Velstadbråten Bangås - Virinco - Facebook - Twitter

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  • Should be a fairly simple join with a MAX(), but show us what you have.

  • I have got in CTE

    ;with getMaxCourse AS

    (Select cid,count(sid) over (partition by cid) Kount From enroll)

    Select cid from getMaxCourse where Kount = (Select max(Kount) from getMaxCourse)

  • could use something like this...?

    SELECT TOP 1 c.cid


    ,COUNT(*) AS [Number_Of_Students]

    FROM course c

    INNER JOIN enroll e

    ON c.cid = e.cid

    GROUP BY c.cid, c.cname

    ORDER BY Number_Of_Students DESC

    the problem with this is that its taking a random top record but in your sample data there are 2 courses with the same count of students.

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  • Thanks


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