Update a table from a report for a dashboard of alerts

  • Hi All

    This may or may not be possible but here goes.

    I'm creating a dashboard for a few monitoring metrics which will flash up alerts based on certain thresholds. What I want to do is to have a check box of some sorts next to the alert, that when I check it, it goes away and updates a column.

    The report will bring information like this

    SELECT col1, col2 FROM table1 WHERE DateCollected >= CONVERT(DATE,GETDATE()) AND cleared = 0

    Say this brings back 10 rows

    Then I want to update cleared for the 5th row to 1 done in the report, then the report is set to refresh every 60 seconds, in which case the report should then only show 9 rows.

    Hope this makes sence.

  • Turley & Bruckner have a book "SQL Server Reporting Services Recipes" and this is covered in Part V Section: "Updating Data From a Report"

  • mikeg 31960 (4/13/2012)

    Turley & Bruckner have a book "SQL Server Reporting Services Recipes" and this is covered in Part V Section: "Updating Data From a Report"

    If you are doing any type of advanced reporting work, this book is the place to go. You'll get value out it beyond just the check box examples. It's saved me a lot of trouble and expanded my skill set. Highly recommended.


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