Blog Post

What is the Most Deployed Database Engine in the World? You’d Be Surprised! It’s Serverless, Self-Contained & Transactional


Just the other week; I was asked to help validate an application database hosted

on a Mac, when I was introduced to the public domain database engine SQLite. To my surprise, it is actually the most deployed database engine in the world, since it is so small and used by

the likes of Skype, Mozilla, the iPhone/Apple, Symbian, PHP, Skype

amongst others.

Development of SQLite is keep up thanks to a consortium made up of Mozilla,

Bloomberg, Adobe and Oracle.  

In a Guest Editorial from Richard Morris, he describes how Dr Richard Hipp placed his tiny database in the

public domain with a wish that it be used without ever taking more than you


And I thought I knew about databases…humbled again!


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