Update/Insert/Merge Query

  • I am trying to update a table of addresses using fields from another table of addresses for the address type mailing. If it is a PO box, I want to update the 'Mailing' addresstype and if it is not a PO box, I want to update the 'Main' address type.

    There are 56 records that need to be updated in the target table which are identified by this query.

    select *


    join AddressUpdates SRC

    on TGT.id=SRC.id

    where SRC.address like 'PO%';

    But running this query returns only 9 records.

    select *


    join AddressUpdates SRC

    on TGT.id=SRC.id

    where SRC.address like 'PO%' AND TGT.addresstype='Mailing';

    This is the update statement I am running, but as expected, only 9 results are updated. How can iI get it to update all 56 records for the address type 'Mailing'? I think part of my problem is that some address ID's dont already have a mailing address, so I would need to insert a new row and set the type to mailing. I also tryed using the merge statement but was confused about how to use a where clause with it (it seemed like I should put the where clause arguments in the when clause, but I wasn't sure)

    update TGT

    set TGT.address=SRC.address


    join AddressUpdates SRC

    on TGT.id=SRC.id

    where SRC.address like 'PO%' AND TGT.addresstype='Mailing';

    I plan to use a "not like 'PO%'" to update all the 'Main' addresses.

    Any help would be appreciated!


  • Your query is restricting the result set to just records that are PO box and mailing address types.

    Try this:

    select *


    join AddressUpdates SRC

    on TGT.id=SRC.id

    where SRC.address like 'PO%'

    AND TGT.addresstype=

    Case when SRC.address like 'PO%' then 'Mailing'

    Else 'Main'


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • This query works, but still returns 9 results. =(

  • Here's another

    select *


    join AddressUpdates SRC

    on TGT.id=SRC.id

    where (SRC.address like 'PO%'

    AND TGT.addresstype= 'Mailing'


    Or (SRC.address not like 'PO%'

    AND TGT.addresstype= 'Main'


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Shouldn't this work for you , It seems pretty straight forward

    update TGT

    set TGT.address=SRC.address


    join AddressUpdates SRC

    on TGT.id=SRC.id

    where SRC.address like 'PO%'

    update TGT

    set TGT.address=SRC.address


    join AddressUpdates SRC

    on TGT.id=SRC.id

    where SRC.address like 'PO%' AND ISNULL(TGT.addresstype,'Mailing')='Mailing';

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • Jayanth_Kurup (6/29/2011)

    Shouldn't this work for you , It seems pretty straight forward

    update TGT

    set TGT.address=SRC.address


    join AddressUpdates SRC

    on TGT.id=SRC.id

    where SRC.address like 'PO%'

    No. Only if the address is a POBox when the address type is 'mailing' would that work. He needs to be able to update 'main' address types when the address is not a POBOX.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • Thanks SQLRNNR,

    That query also executes but returns 849 rows. I know there are only 56 rows in the SRC table with ID's that match the TGT table and start with 'PO'. Also, we havent come up with something to handle the insertion of an address if no rows exists with an addresstpe of 'Mailing' in the source table.

    The logic needs to be something like this.

    Where SRC.id=TGT.id

    and SRC.address like 'PO%'

    update TGT.address where TGT.addresstype='Mailing'

    else insert into tgt (id, address, addresstype) values (src.id, src.address, 'Main')

    with a total of 56 rows being inserted or updated.

    Thank you very much for your help, this one is a little too tough for my current skill level.


  • What you just said does not match what your first post said.

    Please provide table structures and sample data in order to get an accurate query.

    In the meantime, you should look at the Merge Statement.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • You are right, my first sentence was misleading. Later in my first post I explained "I think part of my problem is that some address ID's dont already have a mailing address, so I would need to insert a new row and set the type to mailing. I also tryed using the merge statement but was confused about how to use a where clause with it (it seemed like I should put the where clause arguments in the when clause, but I wasn't sure)"

    Here are the simplified schema's. Sorry for leaving some of this information out initially, I really appreciate your help and did not leave it out on purpose. I also realized that I was using the term address id, which is really an individuals account id, so this also probably mislead you.


    accountid, address


    accountid(pk), addresstype(pk), address

    There are 7 addresstypes possible. In the SRC table, an account can have 0-7 records, 0-1 record for each address type.

    Here is my attempt at a merge statement that would do what I need it to do (except my syntax is incorrect):

    MERGE source.addresses as SRC

    USING target.addresses as TGT

    ON TGT.accountid=SRC.accountid

    WHEN MATCHED AND SRC.address like 'PO%' AND TGT.addresstype='Mailing'

    UPDATE SET TGT.address=SRC.address

    WHEN MATCHED AND SRC.address not like 'PO%' AND TGT.addresstype='Main'

    UPDATE SET TGT.address=SRC.address

    WHEN NOT MATCHED AND SRC.address like 'PO%'

    INSERT (TGT.accountid, TGT.addresstype, TGT.address)

    VALUES (SRC.accountid, 'Mailing', SRC.address)

    WHEN NOT MATCHED AND SRC.address not like 'PO%'

    INSERT (TGT.accountid, TGT.addresstype, TGT.address)

    VALUES (SRC.accountid, 'Main', SRC.address);

    Thanks again.


  • Hey SQLRNNR! I figured it out using the MERGE statement. I had to create two seperate statements, but thats okay.

    When running these large queries, is there any way to spit out which rows were modified/inserted so that I can check that the merge worked properly? I am updating a few thousand rows in each query.

    Thanks again for your help!


  • This can be done in one MERGE statement, and yes there is a way to return the modifications made:

    DECLARE @Changes TABLE


    account_idINTEGER PRIMARY KEY,

    the_addressNVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL




    account_idINTEGER NOT NULL,

    address_typeVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,

    the_addressNVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY (account_id, address_type)


    MERGE @data AS d

    USING @Changes AS c ON

    c.account_id = d.account_id


    (d.address_type = 'Mailing' AND c.the_address LIKE 'PO%')


    (d.address_type = 'Main' AND c.the_address NOT LIKE 'PO%')


    UPDATE SET the_address = c.the_address




    (account_id, address_type, the_address)





    WHEN c.the_address LIKE 'PO%' THEN 'Mailing'

    ELSE 'Main'








    For best performance, ensure there is a unique or primary key constraint on the account_id column in the changes table.

    For full MERGE syntax and examples, see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb510625.aspx

  • sorry the below statement had me going in the wrong direction

    There are 56 records that need to be updated in the target table which are identified by this query.

    select *


    join AddressUpdates SRC

    on TGT.id=SRC.id

    where SRC.address like 'PO%';

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • Yes Jayanth, I finally caught that I had it flipped. And thank you kiwi for that merge statement. It is an improvement on my two merge statements and also outputs the results. I really appreciate you help!

  • No worries. Thanks for posting an interesting question.

  • Oh no, I was running this code in sql server 2008 but now have to run it in sql server 2005 which apparently doesn't have the merge command.

    I know this would now be a good question for a separate forum, but since you already understand what i am doing, any suggestions on a non-merge technique?

    Thank you very much!

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