When to partition?

  • Hi All,

    Is there a specific rule as to what the size of a table should be to become a candidate for partitioning? 20mm, 30mm rows?


  • I would think it's more when you see a benefit, or when you see you have a significant amount of queries that only access a subset of your data. So if you find most queries are the current month/year/salesman/etc., then you can partition on that value to limit queries to hitting less of the table (less buffer pool, less I/O, etc)

  • I always say you need to ask yourself the following question: "What do I gain by partitioning?"

    In our case, it helps with our backup strategy and querying. We partition by month on 1 table in 1 database. The table gets very large (don't care about rows, care about space) and a weekly full backup of all of this would be too much. So, we have each month in a read-only filegroup and that is backed up once, and moved to a backup storage drive. The current month is read-write and we do a weekly full backup with a daily diff.

    We also report on monthly data from this table for billing, so partitioning by month makes sense for us.

    CE - Microsoft

  • No set rules. There are hidden performance problems in poorly written queries around partitioned tables so I tend to look at them as more of a data management tool.

    If you've got a process in place to archive old data they are a perfect solution and you can use a sliding window setup.

    That said, I've got 20 million row tables partitioned (keep a set duration of) and 3 billion row tables not partitioned. It depends on the data and what you intend to do with it.

  • MysteryJimbo (3/21/2012)

    No set rules. There are hidden performance problems in poorly written queries around partitioned tables so I tend to look at them as more of a data management tool.

    If you've got a process in place to archive old data they are a perfect solution and you can use a sliding window setup.

    That said, I've got 20 million row tables partitioned (keep a set duration of) and 3 billion row tables not partitioned. It depends on the data and what you intend to do with it.

    Are there any reads associated with the 3 billion row tables? If so, do those perform ok?

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