Concurrent Operations

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Concurrent Operations

  • It is possible to run both these operations in SQL Server concurrently, but not on the same database.

  • Great question Steve, thanks.

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  • Hi,

    This QOTD may not be as clear as it seems.

    While you (as asked in the question) can certainly run 2 of these backups at the same time without getting an error, the system will block the second backup until the first one is completed.

    So yes, the backup operations are queued, but there is no problem issuing two of these commands concurrently.

    Best Regards,

    Chris Büttner

  • Yes, it's possible, but the second operation will wait for the first to finish.

  • Even I, a confirmed pedant, understood 'run at the same time' and that it was implied on the same database. I mean you could definitely do it on separate servers, or in a parallel universe, too.

    I hadn't seen the matrix of concurrency - I've learnt something new. And I'm running at 80% correct - hoorah!

  • good question i learned new thing in 2008r2

  • Nice Question about 2008R2..!

  • Good one Steve. Thanks.


  • Yay! For a change one I didn't have to think about, because I actually knew the answer.

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  • Thanks for the question.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Got to go with those yes or no, 50/50 questions every once in a while. Nice, thanks.

  • We learn something new every day... questions like these humble the most arrogant DBAs...

    Having said that, I read in this discussion that the operations are indeed permitted in T-SQL because the engine will queue them so I tried the following script:

    BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks

    TO DISK = N'D:\Program Files\AdventureWorks.bak'





    NAME = N'AdventureWorks-Full Database Backup',


    STATS = 10;


    BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks

    FILE = N'AdventureWorks_Data',


    TO DISK = N'D:\Program Files\AdventureWorks_File.bak'


    Not suprisingly... operations completed successfully.

    In other words, knowing this is good for you so you don't expect these 2 backup operations (that take 1 and 2 hours respectively) to complete in 2 hours (if they were to run in parallel). If you are familiar with this information then you will know this script will take 3 hours (as it is serialized). Other than that, there is no risk in being a total ignorant about this one, because you will never get run-time exceptions as a result of this (as far as I can see though...)

  • msurasky-905715 (12/15/2011)

    We learn something new every day... questions like these humble the most arrogant DBAs...

    Having said that, I read in this discussion that the operations are indeed permitted in T-SQL because the engine will queue them so I tried the following script:

    BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks

    TO DISK = N'D:\Program Files\AdventureWorks.bak'





    NAME = N'AdventureWorks-Full Database Backup',


    STATS = 10;


    BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks

    FILE = N'AdventureWorks_Data',


    TO DISK = N'D:\Program Files\AdventureWorks_File.bak'


    Not suprisingly... operations completed successfully.

    In other words, knowing this is good for you so you don't expect these 2 backup operations (that take 1 and 2 hours respectively) to complete in 2 hours (if they were to run in parallel). If you are familiar with this information then you will know this script will take 3 hours (as it is serialized). Other than that, there is no risk in being a total ignorant about this one, because you will never get run-time exceptions as a result of this (as far as I can see though...)

    If you really want to test the statement made in today's question, you have to run the two backup commands from two seperate tabs in SSMS, making sure to start them in very quick succession (hit F5, switch to other tab, hit F5 again). Then, from a third tab, you can run sp_who2 to check that the two transactions are blocking each other.

    Your test really doesn't say that much - statements in a single SSMS window will ALWAYS run consecutively, even if they are able to run concurrently.

    PS: If your AdventureWorks backups really take 1 and 2 hours to finish, I'd suggest upgrading your hardware - they run in 3 seconds each on my laptop!

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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