Converting Oracle SQL statements to SQL 2008

  • Oracle SQL:

    SELECT (NVL(v1.non_credit,0) - NVL(,0)) settle_amt from

    (SELECT sum((trans_amount)/100) non_credit from rita.request

    where (trans_amount IS NOT NULL) and status_code = 4 and (command <> 'CREDIT')) v1,

    (select sum((trans_amount)/100) credit from rita.request

    where (trans_amount IS NOT NULL) and status_code = 4 and command = 'CREDIT') v2


    trans_amount varchar 12(null)

    settle_amt results would be: 4.00 showing decimal places

    SQL 2008:

    SELECT (ISNULL(v1.non_credit,0) - ISNULL(,0)) settle_amt from

    (SELECT sum((trans_amount)/100) non_credit from dbo.request

    where (trans_amount IS NOT NULL) and status_code = 4 and (command <> 'CREDIT')) v1,

    (select sum((trans_amount)/100) credit from dbo.request

    where (trans_amount IS NOT NULL) and status_code = 4 and command = 'CREDIT') v2


    trans_amount varchar 12(null)

    settle_amt result would be: 4

    I need the settle_amt to be 4.00 in SQL 2008

  • Without table structure there may be syntax issues. But the code below should work, and be noticeably faster.

    SELECT CAST(SUM(trans_amount)/100.00 AS DECIMAL(10,2) settle_amt



    SELECT CASE command = 'Credit' then isnull(trans_amount,0) ELSE -1* isnull(trans_amount,0) END trans_amount

    FROM dbo.request

    WHERE trans_amount IS NOT NULL AND status_code = 4

    ) myData

    good luck


  • Thanks Daryl

    We tried this but it looks like it truncated or rounded down:

    SELECT (ISNULL(v1.non_credit,0) - ISNULL(,0)) from

    (SELECT CONVERT(smallmoney, sum((trans_amount)/100), 0) non_credit from dbo.request

    where (trans_amount IS NOT NULL) and status_code = 4 and (command <> 'CREDIT')) v1,

    (SELECT CONVERT(smallmoney,sum((trans_amount)/100), 0) credit from dbo.request

    where (trans_amount IS NOT NULL) and status_code = 4 and command = 'CREDIT') v2;


    We should have received this: 23.70 instead we received 23.00

  • I think this line is causing your issue

    CONVERT(smallmoney, sum((trans_amount)/100), 0)


    CONVERT(smallmoney, sum((trans_amount)/100.00), 0)

    The value is rounding on the divide before you convert.

    BTW: you didn't like the rewrite?


  • Daryl, I hadn't tried it yet. I just ran my SQL and got the results when I also received a post from you. It was a timing thing.

    I will try it though for sure.

  • Daryl, I tried (SELECT CONVERT(smallmoney, sum((trans_amount)/100.00), 0), I received this error:

    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 1

    Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric.

    Then I tried your sql

    SELECT CAST(SUM(trans_amount)/100.00 AS DECIMAL(10,2) settle_amt



    SELECT CASE command = 'Credit' then isnull(trans_amount,0) ELSE -1* isnull(trans_amount,0) END trans_amount

    FROM dbo.request

    WHERE trans_amount IS NOT NULL AND status_code = 4

    ) myData

    I received these errors:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near 'settle_amt'.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Incorrect syntax near '='.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Incorrect syntax near 'trans_amount'.

  • Not sure why smallMoney is failing, however if you replace smallmoney with decimal (10,2) the results look good.

    CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), sum((trans_amount)/100.00), 0)

    The syntax error on the bottom was a missing paren and missing WHEN in the case statement.

    SELECT CAST(SUM(trans_amount)/100.00 AS DECIMAL(10,2)) settle_amt



    SELECT CASE WHEN command = 'Credit' then isnull(trans_amount,0) ELSE -1* isnull(trans_amount,0) END trans_amount

    FROM dbo.request

    WHERE trans_amount IS NOT NULL --AND status_code = 4

    ) myData

  • Hey Daryl,

    Glad you are here.

    I'm not a SQL expert yet! 🙂

    I ran our old sql with the change you suggested:

    SELECT (ISNULL(v1.non_credit,0) - ISNULL(,0)) from

    (SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), sum((trans_amount/100.00)), 0) non_credit from dbo.request

    where (trans_amount IS NOT NULL) and status_code = 4 and (command <> 'CREDIT')) v1,

    (SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), sum((trans_amount/100.00)), 0) credit from dbo.request

    where (trans_amount IS NOT NULL) and status_code = 4 and command = 'CREDIT') v2;

    I received the overflow error again. 🙁

    I ran your sql with the changes you suggested:

    SELECT CAST(SUM(trans_amount)/100.00 AS DECIMAL(10,2)) settle_amt



    SELECT CASE WHEN command = 'Credit' then isnull(trans_amount,0) ELSE -1* isnull(trans_amount,0) END trans_amount

    FROM dbo.request

    WHERE trans_amount IS NOT NULL AND status_code = 4

    ) myData

    I received the correct amount but it was negative amount: -35.45. It should be 35.45.

    I wasn't sure what the -1* did.

    The sql is supposed to select all the "command=credit" tran amounts that have a status type = 4 and total them up.

    The sql is supposed to select all the "command not = credit" trans amounts that have a status type = 4 and total them up.

    Then the sql is to subtract the credit amount total from the non-credit amount total to come up with the answer.

  • The case statement is reversed.


    SELECT CASE WHEN command = 'Credit' then isnull(trans_amount,0) ELSE -1*

    should be

    SELECT CASE WHEN command != 'Credit' then isnull(trans_amount,0) ELSE -1*

  • That was it! It's working. Awesome! :hehe:

    You never did answer what the -1* did. I think what it is doing is multiplying trans_amount by -1 to make it a negative amount. Am I right! 😀


  • Yes,

    Instead of doing two sums and then subtracting, the case is setting the credit values to negative and then summing all.

  • Okay. Thanks again Daryl. Have a great day!

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