Extracting a value stored in Byte 1 of a 32-bit (int) status field

  • Hi All,

    I need to extract a value stored in Byte 1 of an int field (32-bit). I don't really know a great deal about bit masking in SQL Server so I'm struggling to get an answer that makes much sense. I need to extract the value from byte 1 but I'm not sure how to mask off the other 3 bytes. I *think* it needs to be something like this:

    SELECT device_status_flags AS RawData,

    device_status_flags & /*something that masks bytes 0, 2 & 3*/ != 0 AS Byte1Value

    FROM dbo.MyTable

    Am I on the right track or totally heading in the wrong direction?

    Here are some sample values from my integer field called device_status_flags:






















































































































































































































































































































































































































    How would I extract the value stored in Byte 1 of the above field? Any general tips about bitmasking would be very much appreciated as I'm very much in the dark at the moment!



  • i think this is going to get what you are after; i'm returning true/false based on the value of the first 4 bytes; with that i think you can see how to map all 32 of them if needed.

    with myValues(val)



    SELECT '-539042045' UNION ALL SELECT '-555819520' UNION ALL SELECT '-555819520' UNION ALL SELECT '-505815552' UNION ALL

    SELECT '-505815808' UNION ALL SELECT '-589767936' UNION ALL SELECT '-522526976' UNION ALL SELECT '-555819520' UNION ALL

    SELECT '-506667776' UNION ALL SELECT '-505749760' UNION ALL SELECT '-522396672' UNION ALL SELECT '-505684224' UNION ALL

    SELECT '-505684224' UNION ALL SELECT '-505684480' UNION ALL SELECT '-505684224' UNION ALL SELECT '-505684480'


    SELECT 'value: ' + [val] + CHAR(13) +CHAR(10) +

    'Byte 1 '+ MIN(CASE val & 1 WHEN 1 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +

    'Byte 2 '+ MIN(CASE val & 4 WHEN 4 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +

    'Byte 3 '+ MIN(CASE val & 8 WHEN 8 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +

    'Byte 4 '+ MIN(CASE val & 16 WHEN 16 THEN 'True' ELSE 'False' END) + CHAR(13)+ CHAR(10)

    FROM myValues

    GROUP BY [val]


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  • Lowell, I think you're confusing bits with bytes.

    Chris, is Byte 0 the eight most significant (highest value) bits, or the eight least significant? I think you need an "OR" operation (|) instead of an "AND" (%).


  • John,

    In this instance, Byte 0 is the Least Significant.

    Here is the description of the encoding that I have been given:

    Byte 0 (LSB) = status flags

    Byte 1 Current voltage (the value I want to extract)

    Byte 2 Minimum voltage since last mid-night

    Byte 3 (MSB) Maximum voltage since last mid-night



  • Is it just as simple as this:

    declare @device_status_flag int=-539042045

    SELECT SUBSTRING(CAST(@device_status_flag AS BINARY(4)),2,1)

    This result could obviously be cast back to an int if required.

  • Howard, that is brilliant!

    I had to tweak it slightly as follows to get the Byte I wanted but the method works perfectly. Here's the what I ended up with:

    (CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(device_status_flags AS BINARY(4)), 1, 1) AS INT) * 8) + 1700) * 0.001 AS Voltage

    Thank you all for your help!

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