Query to return single result from multiple tables

  • Hi,

    i have below tables with below fields:


    CreatedBY UpdatedBY

    user1 user2

    user1 user1

    user2 user3


    UpdatedBy DataType[if =1 means Event else Data]

    user1 1

    user3 2

    user3 2

    user2 1

    user1 1


    UserID Fisrtname


    user1 Bill Luther

    user2 Charlie Martin

    user3 Dean John

    Now i wish to have a select query that should display the below columns:

    UserID - from TableUser

    Fullname - from TableUser

    Count of CreatedBy - from TableWO

    Count of UpdatedBy - from TableWO

    Count of EventUpdated - - from TableData

    Count of DataUpdated - - from TableData

    any help is really appreciated

    Good day ,Bhavtosh

  • You need to post DDL, sample data and expected results for a tested answer.

    Here's a best guess

    SELECT u.UserID,


    COUNT(wcb.CreatedBY) AS CountCreatedBY,

    COUNT(wub.UpdatedBY) AS CountUpdatedBY,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN d.DataType=1 THEN d.DataType END) AS EventUpdated,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN d.DataType<>1 THEN d.DataType END) AS EventDataUpdated

    FROM TableUser u

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TableWO wcb ON wcb.CreatedBY=u.UserID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TableWO wub ON wub.UpdatedBY=u.UserID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TableData d ON d.UpdatedBy=u.UserID

    GROUP BY u.UserID,u.Firstname


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • Not going to comment on the table design, as I'm sure others will mention that it's not exactly "best".


    SELECT CreatedBY, UpdatedBY

    INTO TableWO

    FROM (VALUES('user1', 'user2'),('user1', 'user1'),('user2', 'user3'))a(CreatedBY, UpdatedBY)

    SELECT UpdatedBy, DataType --[if =1 means Event else Data]

    INTO TableData

    FROM (VALUES('user1', 1),('user3', 2),('user3', 2),('user2', 1),('user1', 1))a(UpdatedBy, DataType)

    SELECT UserID, Fisrtname, Lastname

    INTO TableUser

    FROM (VALUES('user1', 'Bill', 'Luther'),('user2', 'Charlie', 'Martin'),('user3', 'Dean', 'John'))a(UserID, Fisrtname, Lastname)


    SELECT UserID, COALESCE(Fisrtname + SPACE(1),'') + COALESCE(Lastname,'') AS Fullname,

    countCreated AS [Count of CreatedBy],

    countUpdated AS [Count of UpdatedBy],

    Ent AS [Count of EventUpdated],

    Dta AS [Count of DataUpdated]

    FROM TableUser us


    FROM TableWO

    GROUP BY CreatedBY) cr(CreatedBY, countCreated) ON us.UserID = cr.CreatedBY


    FROM TableWO

    GROUP BY UpdatedBY) up(UpdatedBY, countUpdated) ON us.UserID = up.UpdatedBY


    SUM(CASE WHEN DataType = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),

    SUM(CASE WHEN DataType = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)

    FROM TableData

    GROUP BY UpdatedBy) updt(UpdatedBy, Ent, Dta) ON us.UserID = updt.UpdatedBy



    UserID Fullname Count of CreatedBy Count of UpdatedBy Count of EventUpdated Count of DataUpdated

    ------ -------------- ------------------ ------------------ --------------------- --------------------

    user1 Bill Luther 2 1 2 0

    user2 Charlie Martin 1 1 1 0

    user3 Dean John NULL 1 0 2

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  • As everyone else I would suggest to read through forum etiquette article by Jeff Moden, link also can be found at the bottom of my signature.

    Here I try to show how your case should be present to forum:

    -- sample table and data setup:

    declare @TableWO table (CreatedBY varchar(20), UpdatedBY varchar(20))

    insert @TableWO

    values ('user1','user2'),



    declare @TableData table (UpdatedBy varchar(20), DataType tinyint)

    insert @TableData

    values ('user1',1),





    declare @TableUser table (UserID varchar(20), Firstname varchar(50), Lastname varchar(50))

    insert @TableUser

    values ('user1','Bill','Luther'),



    People can easely cut-&-paste this code to their SSMS and re-create the case setup.

    Actully, it also will be much clear if you would not only include the definition of business requirements but also the exact results you expect based on the data you gave. It would help your helpers to validate their solution against your reqs, something like that:

    I want results as per:


    user1,Bill Luther,2,1,2,0

    user2,Charlie Martin,1,1,1,0

    user3,Dean John,0,1,0,2

    I just have a lot of free time today morning, that why I've proved the above. Usually you would have from me only the link to etiquette article ... 😀

    And finally the soultion, using CTE's for a bit clear layout (together with setup, so you can run it straight a way:

    declare @TableWO table (CreatedBY varchar(20), UpdatedBY varchar(20))

    insert @TableWO

    values ('user1','user2'),



    declare @TableData table (UpdatedBy varchar(20), DataType tinyint)

    insert @TableData

    values ('user1',1),





    declare @TableUser table (UserID varchar(20), Firstname varchar(50), Lastname varchar(50))

    insert @TableUser

    values ('user1','Bill','Luther'),



    ;with cte_CountOfCreatedBy



    select CreatedBY, COUNT(*) as CountCreatedBY

    from @TableWO

    group by CreatedBY


    , cte_CountOfUpdatedBy



    select UpdatedBy, COUNT(*) as CountUpdatedBy

    from @TableWO

    group by UpdatedBy


    , cte_CountOfEventData


    ( select UpdatedBy

    ,SUM(CASE WHEN isnull(DataType,0) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as CountEventUpdated

    ,SUM(CASE WHEN isnull(DataType,0) != 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as CountDataUpdated

    from @TableData

    group by UpdatedBy


    select u.UserId

    ,u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName as FullName

    ,ISNULL(cc.CountCreatedBY, 0) as CountCreatedBY

    ,ISNULL(cu.CountUpdatedBY, 0) as CountUpdatedBY

    ,ISNULL(ed.CountEventUpdated, 0) as CountEventUpdated

    ,ISNULL(ed.CountDataUpdated, 0) as CountDataUpdated

    from @TableUser as u

    left join cte_CountOfCreatedBy as cc

    on cc.CreatedBY = u.UserId

    left join cte_CountOfUpdatedBy as cu

    on cu.UpdatedBY = u.UserId

    left join cte_CountOfEventData as ed

    on ed.UpdatedBy = u.UserId

    It also worth to mention why the solution by Mark-101232 will not pruduce right counts.

    As soon as it can find more than one row per user in any of the tables he LEFT JOINs to, it mulitplies number of row occurances (eg. for all other LEFT JOIN's), you can see it easely by removing counts and grouping from his query:

    SELECT u.UserID,


    --COUNT(wcb.CreatedBY) AS CountCreatedBY,

    --COUNT(wub.UpdatedBY) AS CountUpdatedBY,

    --COUNT(CASE WHEN d.DataType=1 THEN d.DataType END) AS EventUpdated,

    --COUNT(CASE WHEN d.DataType<>1 THEN d.DataType END) AS EventDataUpdated




    FROM @TableUser u

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @TableWO wcb ON wcb.CreatedBY=u.UserID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @TableWO wub ON wub.UpdatedBY=u.UserID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @TableData d ON d.UpdatedBy=u.UserID

    --GROUP BY u.UserID,u.Firstname

    You can see that User1 will be found 4 times in wcb.CreatedBY and in wcb.UpdatedBY, when it should be only 2 and 1 respectively.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
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  • Eugene Elutin (3/2/2012)

    As everyone else I would suggest to read through forum etiquette article by Jeff Moden, link also can be found at the bottom of my signature.

    Here I try to show how your case should be present to forum:

    -- sample table and data setup:

    declare @TableWO table (CreatedBY varchar(20), UpdatedBY varchar(20))

    insert @TableWO

    values ('user1','user2'),



    declare @TableData table (UpdatedBy varchar(20), DataType tinyint)

    insert @TableData

    values ('user1',1),





    declare @TableUser table (UserID varchar(20), Firstname varchar(50), Lastname varchar(50))

    insert @TableUser

    values ('user1','Bill','Luther'),



    People can easely cut-&-paste this code to their SSMS and re-create the case setup.

    Actully, it also will be much clear if you would not only include the definition of business requirements but also the exact results you expect based on the data you gave. It would help your helpers to validate their solution against your reqs, something like that:

    I want results as per:


    user1,Bill Luther,2,1,2,0

    user2,Charlie Martin,1,1,1,0

    user3,Dean John,0,1,0,2

    I just have a lot of free time today morning, that why I've proved the above. Usually you would have from me only the link to etiquette article ... 😀

    And finally the soultion, using CTE's for a bit clear layout (together with setup, so you can run it straight a way:

    declare @TableWO table (CreatedBY varchar(20), UpdatedBY varchar(20))

    insert @TableWO

    values ('user1','user2'),



    declare @TableData table (UpdatedBy varchar(20), DataType tinyint)

    insert @TableData

    values ('user1',1),





    declare @TableUser table (UserID varchar(20), Firstname varchar(50), Lastname varchar(50))

    insert @TableUser

    values ('user1','Bill','Luther'),



    ;with cte_CountOfCreatedBy



    select CreatedBY, COUNT(*) as CountCreatedBY

    from @TableWO

    group by CreatedBY


    , cte_CountOfUpdatedBy



    select UpdatedBy, COUNT(*) as CountUpdatedBy

    from @TableWO

    group by UpdatedBy


    , cte_CountOfEventData


    ( select UpdatedBy

    ,SUM(CASE WHEN isnull(DataType,0) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as CountEventUpdated

    ,SUM(CASE WHEN isnull(DataType,0) != 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as CountDataUpdated

    from @TableData

    group by UpdatedBy


    select u.UserId

    ,u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName as FullName

    ,ISNULL(cc.CountCreatedBY, 0) as CountCreatedBY

    ,ISNULL(cu.CountUpdatedBY, 0) as CountUpdatedBY

    ,ISNULL(ed.CountEventUpdated, 0) as CountEventUpdated

    ,ISNULL(ed.CountDataUpdated, 0) as CountDataUpdated

    from @TableUser as u

    left join cte_CountOfCreatedBy as cc

    on cc.CreatedBY = u.UserId

    left join cte_CountOfUpdatedBy as cu

    on cu.UpdatedBY = u.UserId

    left join cte_CountOfEventData as ed

    on ed.UpdatedBy = u.UserId

    It also worth to mention why the solution by Mark-101232 will not pruduce right counts.

    As soon as it can find more than one row per user in any of the tables he LEFT JOINs to, it mulitplies number of row occurances (eg. for all other LEFT JOIN's), you can see it easely by removing counts and grouping from his query:

    SELECT u.UserID,


    --COUNT(wcb.CreatedBY) AS CountCreatedBY,

    --COUNT(wub.UpdatedBY) AS CountUpdatedBY,

    --COUNT(CASE WHEN d.DataType=1 THEN d.DataType END) AS EventUpdated,

    --COUNT(CASE WHEN d.DataType<>1 THEN d.DataType END) AS EventDataUpdated




    FROM @TableUser u

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @TableWO wcb ON wcb.CreatedBY=u.UserID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @TableWO wub ON wub.UpdatedBY=u.UserID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @TableData d ON d.UpdatedBy=u.UserID

    --GROUP BY u.UserID,u.Firstname

    You can see that User1 will be found 4 times in wcb.CreatedBY and in wcb.UpdatedBY, when it should be only 2 and 1 respectively.

    Good catch!. If the OP had provided tables with primary keys, things would have been easier

    declare @TableWO table (PK int not null primary key, CreatedBY varchar(20), UpdatedBY varchar(20))

    insert @TableWO

    values (1, 'user1','user2'),

    (2, 'user1','user1'),

    (3, 'user2','user3')

    declare @TableData table (PK int not null primary key, UpdatedBy varchar(20), DataType tinyint)

    insert @TableData

    values (1,'user1',1),





    declare @TableUser table (UserID varchar(20), Firstname varchar(50), Lastname varchar(50))

    insert @TableUser

    values ('user1','Bill','Luther'),



    SELECT u.UserID,



    COUNT(DISTINCT wcb.PK) AS CountCreatedBY,

    COUNT(DISTINCT wub.PK) AS CountUpdatedBY,

    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN d.DataType=1 THEN d.PK END) AS EventUpdated,

    COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN d.DataType<>1 THEN d.PK END) AS EventDataUpdated

    FROM @TableUser u

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @TableWO wcb ON wcb.CreatedBY=u.UserID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @TableWO wub ON wub.UpdatedBY=u.UserID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN @TableData d ON d.UpdatedBy=u.UserID

    GROUP BY u.UserID,u.Firstname,u.LastName;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • Mark-101232 (3/2/2012)


    Good catch!. If the OP had provided tables with primary keys, things would have been easier


    Could be easier, but also it may not be the case, depends on real PK's

    Also, after reviewing the query again (both my and yours), I've found that it's possible to get rid of the second table scan of TableWO:

    ;with cte_CountOfCUBy



    select u.UserId

    ,u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName as FullName

    ,sum(case when w.CreatedBY = u.UserID then 1 else 0 end) CountCreatedBy

    ,sum(case when w.UpdatedBY = u.UserID then 1 else 0 end) CountUpdatedBy

    from @TableUser as u

    left join @TableWO as w

    on w.CreatedBY = u.UserID or w.UpdatedBY = u.UserId

    group by u.UserId, u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName


    , cte_CountOfEventData


    ( select UpdatedBy

    ,SUM(CASE WHEN isnull(DataType,0) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as CountEventUpdated

    ,SUM(CASE WHEN isnull(DataType,0) != 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as CountDataUpdated

    from @TableData

    group by UpdatedBy


    select ucc.UserId


    ,ISNULL(ucc.CountCreatedBY, 0) as CountCreatedBY

    ,ISNULL(ucc.CountUpdatedBY, 0) as CountUpdatedBY

    ,ISNULL(ed.CountEventUpdated, 0) as CountEventUpdated

    ,ISNULL(ed.CountDataUpdated, 0) as CountDataUpdated

    from cte_CountOfCUBy as ucc

    left join cte_CountOfEventData as ed

    on ed.UpdatedBy = ucc.UserId

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

    How to post your question to get the best and quick help[/url]

  • thank you all for quick responses..... the solution is just i was looking for and i will try to be more detailed and clear in my queries in future....

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