join operator "=*"

  • I just ran accross a query that uses "=*" in a where clause. I know I read an article recently about this, but can't seem to find it now. How would I re-write this query to eliminate it? I think I read that it was a depricated join syntax... any explaination would also be greatly appreciated because I'm pretty sure I'm going to hit it many times in this particular DB.

    SELECT tb_Action.Action_id,















    999 as access_right,



    FROM at_pdesc_off,



    WHERE ( tb_Action.Action_id = at_pdesc_off.Action_id ) and

    ( ( at_pdesc_off.file_id = 'N3B2110001' ) AND

    ( at_pdesc_off.rpt_seq = 1 ) AND

    ( at_pdesc_off.pdescr_id = '00006595MSTS2473' ) AND

    ( tb_Action.delete_flg = 'N' ) ) AND

    ( tb_code_value.code_subcat = 'PERS_KIND/PDOF' ) AND

    ( tb_code_value.code_value =* at_pdesc_off.pers_kind_cd )

    ORDER BY tb_Action.Action_from_dt ASC,

    tb_Action.off3_cd ASC,

    at_pdesc_off.pers_kind_cd ASC



  • That is deprecated syntax for doing a join. Remove it from your where clause and replace

    FROM at_pdesc_off,



    with standard JOIN syntax


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • I think =* in particular is a RIGHT OUTER JOIN?

  • The =* JOIN-syntax is only valid when a 2008 database (the forum you posted in) is in 80 compatibility mode.

    If you think you may run into this a lot here is a post that explains how to use SSMS to help you get a starting point for some of these query conversions.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • It is the RIGHT OUTER JOIN. Re-writing queries that use outer joins can be tricky. Once you have it looking like it should make sure that it returns the data the way you expect. I experienced some surprises that were fairly easy to fix.


  • The Dixie Flatline (5/27/2011)

    That is deprecated syntax for doing a join.

    It has been deprecated since SQL 2005 and support will be officially dropped from the next version of SQL Server (SQL 11 / "Denali") via the dropping of support for 80 compatibility mode.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks for all the quick responses!

    Dixie/diamondgm - yes, I was pretty sure the article I read defined it as "Right outer join" and that it was depricated.

    opc.three - yeah, I realise this is a 2008 forum, but I had to make a decision. I knew it was old syntax, but I'm working in 2008r2, so that's the version I was looking for advise on 😉

    Elliott - yes, that's why I was looking for an example on converting THIS query hoping I'd get a good understanding before moving forward.

    it's the end of a rough week/day and my brain is tired. I think I understand it, but I need to get a few minutes to concentrate on it so that I can pull it together. First I had to do a memory check to make sure =* really was right outer join 😉

    thanks again!!

    and a good weekend to all.


  • Uripedes Pants (5/27/2011)

    opc.three - yeah, I realise this is a 2008 forum, but I had to make a decision. I knew it was old syntax, but I'm working in 2008r2, so that's the version I was looking for advise on 😉

    Sorry if my comment implied anything that offended you. You knew the syntax might have been deprecated but didn't mention you were in compat mode so I thought you may still be on 2000. I probably should never post after 2PM on a Friday because I tend to have lost some of my sensibilities by this time in the week 😀

    Have a great weekend!

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • SELECT *

    FROM at_pdesc_off

    JOIN tb_Action

    ON at_pdesc_off.Action_id = tb_Action.Action_id

    AND tb_Action.delete_flg = 'N'

    -- * is against the table where all the rows should be kept.

    LEFT JOIN tb_code_value

    ON at_pdesc_off.pers_kind_cd = tb_code_value.code_value

    AND tb_code_value.code_subcat = 'PERS_KIND/PDOF'

    WHERE at_pdesc_off.[file_id] = 'N3B2110001'

    AND at_pdesc_off.rpt_seq = 1

    AND at_pdesc_off.pdescr_id = '00006595MSTS2473'

  • All - thanks for all the replies. It wasn't really fair of me to post an hour or so before a long weekend, but all replies were appreciated.

    opc.three - nope, you didn't say anything that I took offensively. You're idea about the query builder looks pretty interesting.


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