November 10, 2011 at 3:35 pm
I am a complete beginner with clustering in general, so sorry if this is some basic stuff but I can't find an article that says yes or no. But I might not even know enough to make the correct search.
We have an application being installed by the vendor and they are requesting a new IP address for the SQL Server service name. Not sure why that would be needed, I thought just IP addresses for the individual servers and one for the cluster. I've never heard of what they are asking to do and don't understand exactly what they need an IP address for.
Any pointers or references greatly appreciated.
November 10, 2011 at 8:34 pm
I am pretty sure that your vendor is correct. Each service on thr cluster will need its own IP address.
Have a look at a pair of articles on this site... Creating a 2 Node SQL Server 2008 Virtual Cluster part 1 and 2. It takes you through all the steps needed to build a cluster. part 2 will probably be of more relevance
November 10, 2011 at 11:16 pm
A SQL Server failover cluster, also known as a failover cluster instance, consists of the following:
•One or more Windows Server failover cluster nodes
•A cluster resource group dedicated for the SQL Server failover cluster which contains the following:
oNetwork name to access the SQL Server failover cluster
oIP addresses
oShared disks used for the SQL Server database and log storage
•Resource DLLs that control the SQL Server failover behavior
•Check-pointed registry keys that are automatically kept in sync across the failover cluster nodes
Before Installing Failover Clustering
November 11, 2011 at 10:09 am
Thank you to all for taking the time to reply, it is always good to get a second opinion. Not that we don't trust our vendors but IP addresses seem to be a precious commodity...txtPost_CommentEmoticon(':-)');
I appreciate the responses and hope I can assist you in the future in some way.
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