Data conversions for hours.

  • I have hours coming into a stored procedure with definition of nvarchar(24). I am getting this from an application already in place. Now I need to sum the hours converting to minutes and need to convert to datetime. It will not let me. It was once defined as datetime and worked, but the data changed since I calculated minutes to hours for display and I used a function already in place. I keep getting an error 'Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string'.

    Nothing I do to convert back works. I have tried float, int, and I just keep getting the same error no matter when I try to convert to.

    Any suggestions?


  • Difficult to answer your question without some sample data and desired results.. could you post same? For ease of posting readily consumable data please click on the first link in my signature block for a brief "how to"

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Thanks.

    Input from a database table:


    Hoursworked nvarchar(24) ( sample of hours:minutes data- 04:28)

    create table #ExtraHoursRevised (

    hoursworked datetime)

    insert into #ExtraHoursRevised

    select Hoursworked

    from WorkTimes

    I need the datetime definition to sum the hours further in the procedure.

    It will let me convert to float and convert to minutes if it is defined as datetime.

  • ruff if you only have hours and minutes, how are you going to get a datetime? you need a base/starting that jan 1 of this year, for example?

    you could sum them up and get , say elapsed time in minutes or that what you are after?

    /*--sample results

    AllTheMinutesInTheHours AllTheMinutes TotalMinutes

    16860 348 17208


    With MySampleData (HoursWorked) AS


    SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(24),'26:11') UNION ALL

    SELECT '21:09' UNION ALL

    SELECT '25:49' UNION ALL

    SELECT '56:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT '28:52' UNION ALL

    SELECT '02:21' UNION ALL

    SELECT '53:02' UNION ALL

    SELECT '24:49' UNION ALL

    SELECT '35:54' UNION ALL

    SELECT '11:49'


    MyDataParsedNicely AS



    CONVERT(int, LEFT(HoursWorked,2)) As TheHours,

    CONVERT(int, RIGHT(HoursWorked,2)) As TheMinutes

    FROM MySampleData



    SUM(TheHours) * 60 As AllTheMinutesInTheHours,

    SUM(TheMinutes) As AllTheMinutes,

    SUM(TheHours) * 60 + SUM(TheMinutes) As TotalMinutes

    FROM MyDataParsedNicely

    --Elapsed Time?


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks.

    Actually this is working but there was a change to the hours format and some hours have a 0 in front and some do not. ie 04:15 and 3:15. This probably made the sp crash in the 1st place.

  • Unless you have this figured I have to agree with BitBucket. I can come up with 3-4 different potential things you might be trying to do. If you provide some actual sample data and usable ddl we can knock this out pretty simply.


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  • Well, its weird actually the above format is not the cause. It seems to be only happening with a specific row or type of row. The logic is the same for other conditions that pull the same kind of data. It is stopping on this 0:59 hours and giving this message

    "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"

    Another row that has this 0:37 with the same logic and definitions is getting through. I have the destination temp table defined as datetime for that and the source coming in is defined as varchar(24).

    Could that row be corrupted? Its just strange that it isn't happening to any other of the rows. When I comment out that insert to the table. The entire procedure runs through fine.

    I am at a loss as to what to do. Is there a way to test that to see what is going on with that one row?

  • Here is what we expected from you, remember you are closest to the problem and we are not, so you may have something that you are aware of and we can not be for example, converting what you have posted to this time:

    CREATE TABLE #WorkTimes(Hoursworked nvarchar(24))

    INSERT INTO #WorkTimes

    SELECT '04:28' UNION ALL


    SELECT '0:37'

    create table #ExtraHoursRevised (hoursworked datetime)

    insert into #ExtraHoursRevised

    select Hoursworked

    from #WorkTimes

    SELECT * FROM #ExtraHoursRevised



    1900-01-01 04:28:00.000

    1900-01-01 00:59:00.000

    1900-01-01 00:37:00.000

    Ergo no errors .. now can you post the row you have commented out, and the complete table definition, along with your code.

    Could that row be corrupted? Its just strange that it isn't happening to any other of the rows. When I comment out that insert to the table. The entire procedure runs through fine.

    I am at a loss as to what to do. Is there a way to test that to see what is going on with that one row?

    And the answer to your question is "Yes", but without having all the information why we would be guessing .... so please help us to help you.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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