Dispaly percentage while rollup the columns in SSAS

  • Hi Folks,

    I have a cube which contains 8 dimensions and 5 fact tables.scenario here is .

    I have attached the screenshot it conatins the cube structure . but my problem in the cube is whenever we drag the columns from the dimension and fact tables the values are initially in aggreagte.while expanding column wise it will seperate the values based on the availability data.

    In the screen shot i have shown in the similar way .. when i expand the hierarchy columns it expands the value but while i rollup the columns instead of sum up the values i need to show it up in percentage.

    Take a example in screenshot i have expanded the the Level 1 , Level 2 and Level 3 column to show the values . but while i roll up the Level 2 column it should shown the values in percentage instead of sum ..

    can anybody guide me to finish the task .. it's very urgent .. i have to release it by before lunch . production suppert issue.



  • Hi..We have exactly the same requirement. Did you manage to get this working?

    Thanks in advance,


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