Select XML node with namespaces

  • I am trying to select data from a column that has xml data in it. I have tried all I can think of, but the results keep coming back as NULL. Not sure why but I pasted the top of the xml document so show what I am trying to do. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

    - <ns0:X12_00501_837_P xmlns:ns0="">

    - <ST>





    And the query...


    SELECT sourceclaimxml.value('(/ST01_TransactionSetIdentifierCode)[2]', 'varchar(300)') XMLValue

    FROM xclaim_audit_xml

    CROSS APPLY sourceclaimxml.nodes('//ST') as P(nref)

    WHERE edixid='2323111'

  • The basic problem is that your document has a somewhat weird structure: only the root element is in namespace ''. All contained

    elements are in an unnamed namespace. By default this is the namespace '' in SQL server.

    I suspect that you intended to have the entire document in this namespace. If so, let me know and I think I can give you some hints how to properly specify the document. But to answer the question that you did post, here's an explanation how to get your data from the document you posted.

    To retrieve data from your document you need to read the root node from the namespace. All other elements are to be retrieved from the default namespace (i.e. don't do anything special).

    declare @xml xml = N'

    <ns0:X12_00501_837_P xmlns:ns0="">







    -- Use the xmlnamespaces option. This works, but it has the disadvantage that it also

    -- puts the namespace in any xml constructed in the same statement.

    with xmlnamespaces( '' as xx)

    select r.r.query('.')

    FROM @xml.nodes('/xx:X12_00501_837_P') r(r)

    -- Alternatively use a local namespace declaration in the nodes query only. This way the namespace

    -- is only used while evaluating the .nodes() and is not put into any xml output by the query.

    select r.r.query('.')

    FROM @xml.nodes('declare namespace xx=""; /xx:X12_00501_837_P') r(r)

    -- Note that I used xx as the namespace abbreviation. I intentionally did

    -- not use "ns0" to illustrate that this is only a name local to your

    -- document. The prefix you use in the query does not need to match

    -- that in the document, only the name of the namespace

    -- ("" in your case)

    -- needs to match.

    -- A simple trick I often use to see what is going on is to .query('.') the entire node returned:

    select r.r.query('.')

    FROM @xml.nodes('declare namespace xx=""; /xx:X12_00501_837_P') r(r)

    -- Now add in the cross apply to select all ST elements (without a namespace on them):

    select r.r.query('.'),


    FROM @xml.nodes('declare namespace xx=""; /xx:X12_00501_837_P') r(r)

    cross apply r.r.nodes('ST') s(s)

    -- A working example to read the contents of your document:

    select s.s.value('ST01_TransactionSetIdentifierCode[1]', 'varchar(100)'),

    s.s.value('ST02_TransactionSetControlNumber[1]', 'varchar(100)'),

    s.s.value('ST03_ImplementationGuideVersionName[1]', 'varchar(100)')

    FROM @xml.nodes('declare namespace xx=""; /xx:X12_00501_837_P') r(r)

    cross apply r.r.nodes('ST') s(s)

    Hope to help,


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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • That is absolutley awesome. It worked perfectly. Yes, I did not include the bottom piece of the xml as I was just trying to add a sample piece.

    THANK YOU so much for your help. :-D:-D:-D

  • I did have one follow up question. If I wanted to go a bit deeper into the XML, do I just simply add another cross apply? For example, if I wanted to read the node below "BHT04_TransactionSetCreationDate" how do I account for the namespace? Thank you again for your help.

    <ns0:X12_00501_837_P xmlns:ns0="">



















  • It depends on the number repetitions of each element you expect in your document. Looking at this example document it looks like there is always going to be exactly 1 <ST> element, followed by exactly 1 <ns0:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction> element, followed by exactly one <SE> element. If so, you don't need the .nodes() function. You can simply retrieve the values like so:

    select r.r.value('ST[1]/ST01_TransactionSetIdentifierCode[1]','varchar(300)'),




    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT01_HierarchicalStructureCode[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT02_TransactionSetPurposeCode[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT03_OriginatorApplicationTransactionIdentifier[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT04_TransactionSetCreationDate[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT05_TransactionSetCreationTime[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT06_ClaimorEncounterIdentifier[1]', 'varchar(300)'),



    FROM @xml.nodes('declare namespace xx=""; /xx:X12_00501_837_P') r(r)

    If for example your document always has 2 of these elements you can access the members of each of those two elements like this:

    select r.r.value('ST[1]/ST01_TransactionSetIdentifierCode[1]','varchar(300)'),




    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT01_HierarchicalStructureCode[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT02_TransactionSetPurposeCode[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT03_OriginatorApplicationTransactionIdentifier[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT04_TransactionSetCreationDate[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT05_TransactionSetCreationTime[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[1]/BHT06_ClaimorEncounterIdentifier[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[2]/BHT01_HierarchicalStructureCode[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[2]/BHT02_TransactionSetPurposeCode[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[2]/BHT03_OriginatorApplicationTransactionIdentifier[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[2]/BHT04_TransactionSetCreationDate[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[2]/BHT05_TransactionSetCreationTime[1]', 'varchar(300)'),

    r.r.value('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction[2]/BHT06_ClaimorEncounterIdentifier[1]', 'varchar(300)'),



    FROM @xml.nodes('declare namespace xx=""; /xx:X12_00501_837_P') r(r)

    But if the <x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction> element may be repeated for any number of times, you would best use a cross apply on the nodes function to retrieve a row for each <x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction> element in your document. For example:

    select r.r.value('ST[1]/ST01_TransactionSetIdentifierCode[1]','varchar(300)'),



    r.r.value('ST[1]/ST03_ImplementationGuideVersionName[1]','varchar(300)'),'BHT01_HierarchicalStructureCode[1]', 'varchar(300)'),'BHT02_TransactionSetPurposeCode[1]', 'varchar(300)'),'BHT03_OriginatorApplicationTransactionIdentifier[1]', 'varchar(300)'),'BHT04_TransactionSetCreationDate[1]', 'varchar(300)'),'BHT05_TransactionSetCreationTime[1]', 'varchar(300)'),'BHT06_ClaimorEncounterIdentifier[1]', 'varchar(300)'),



    FROM @xml.nodes('declare namespace xx=""; /xx:X12_00501_837_P') r(r)

    cross apply r.r.nodes('declare namespace x=""; x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction') ht(ht)

    In this last case you will get a resultset with the <ST> and <SE> values repeated in each row combined with the values from each <x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction> element.

    edit: If the <x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction> is optional (i.e. a document can exist that does have the <ST> and <SE> elements but no <x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction> element in it), and you still want a row returned to process such a document, you replace the cross apply by an outer apply. The columns for the values taken from <x:BHT_BeginningofHierarchicalTransaction> will be null for the row returned.

    Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden[/url]
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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • WOW...Thank you so much for your help. This is absolutley great news. Thank you again for this information. :-D:-D

  • I have tried this code and it works great, but I am having some difficulty with the name spaces. I am trying to get the the submitter name, but all I can get to work is the when I select NM1_Subloop, but it selects all of the data in the loop into one cell. I want to select the individual element(NM103_SubmitterLastorOrganizationName).

    Thanks for the help,


  • bcchamberlain (2/23/2012)

    I have tried this code and it works great, but I am having some difficulty with the name spaces. I am trying to get the the submitter name, but all I can get to work is the when I select NM1_Subloop, but it selects all of the data in the loop into one cell. I want to select the individual element(NM103_SubmitterLastorOrganizationName).

    Thanks for the help,


    Please review your post under the following assumption:

    You know nothing about the business case.

    You don't have any sample data.

    You can't look over the shoulder of the person asking the question.

    Nowhere in this thread is a "NM1_Subloop" or a "submitter name" node or element or attribute.

    Based on such a point of view, would you be able to make sense out of the question you posted?

    Please read the first link in my signature on how to post ready to use data. Or simply provide modified data based on the sample provided in this thread.

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  • ybz199009 (2/23/2012)


    Spam. Reported

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Hi Brad,

    Welcome at SSC. As was pointed out, we can't do much for you without more information about your specific situation. Please provide (an example of) your specific document format plus the question you need answered from it.

    However, from what I did read so far I don't think your problem is related to namespaces at all. It seems more like you don't know how to use xquery to get a single element's value. Even though that was demonstrated in this thread, this was not the subject of this thread. If you're not following up on the question orginally posted, please start your own thread. Don't worry that your question will not find the correct audience, as long as you post in the correct forum, you'll still get our full attention. Posting one topic per thread keeps the forum clean so later on readers can easily use the thread to find both the question and it's matching answer(s).

    So please start a new topic for your question instead of hijacking this one for asking a question that is only remotely related to the original posters question.

    Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden[/url]
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Hidden RBAR - Jeff Moden[/url]
    Cross Tabs and Pivots - Jeff Moden[/url]
    Catch-all queries - Gail Shaw[/url]

    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • Thanks a lot R.P.Rozema...! your query snippet helped a lot to fix the issue.

    Known Is An Drop,Unknown Is An Ocean....
    Njoy Programming

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