How to split the files from dynamic folders into three folders

  • I have one folder that contains different files like .txt,xls files etc

    those files transfer into dynamic folders

    .txt files into D:/folder1

    .xls files into D:/folder 2


    Pls help me

  • If you have only xls and txt files then you can simply use the below query to copy

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'copy c:\source\*.txt D:\folder1\'

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'copy c:\source\*.Xls D:\folder2\'

  • If you want to do everything with SSIS, you could use a For Each Loop with a file system task inside.

    One loop for .xls, one loop for .txt.


    But I have to admit the solution of sumitagarwal781 is a bit more elegant.

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