Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

  • Hello All,

    I am new to sql server. I am getting following error when I am trying to insert data into target table.

    "Error converting data type varchar to numeric."

    so I tried to debug by inserting few number of rows to find out if there is a problem in data. But when I tried to divide data and insert the data, it is inserting and not giving any error. But when I try to insert large volume of data it is giving above error.

    This Job is running from 3 months and this is first time it is giving this error.

    Please help me. I am not able to understand where the error is.



  • kajalchatarjee 5928 (12/21/2011)

    Hello All,

    I am new to sql server. I am getting following error when I am trying to insert data into target table.

    "Error converting data type varchar to numeric."

    so I tried to debug by inserting few number of rows to find out if there is a problem in data. But when I tried to divide data and insert the data, it is inserting and not giving any error. But when I try to insert large volume of data it is giving above error.

    This Job is running from 3 months and this is first time it is giving this error.

    Please help me. I am not able to understand where the error is.



    Seems like you are most of the way there. There is some varchar data that normally implicitly converts to numeric, but now you have some data mixed in there that cannot convert. A basic way to find that bad data is like this:

    SELECT * FROM Source_Table WHERE ISNUMERIC(Source_Column) = 0;

    but only you can know what column to test.

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • Thanks for the response.

    I did check the data but there was no error... because , when I take two sample sets of data and try inserting together it is giving that error.

    But when I am individually inserting those two sample data set it is inserting into target table. If it is data issue then it should not insert individually also right?

    and also I didn't make any changes in the code from the time it is in production.

    Please correct me if I am thinking in a wrong way.



  • kajalchatarjee 5928 (12/21/2011)


    I did check the data but there was no error... because , when I take two sample sets of data and try inserting together it is giving that error.

    Can you show an example of inserting together versus individually?

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • for example :

    emp1 and emp2 are two sets of data. when I try to insert emp1 and emp2 individually as below it inserts all the rows successfully.

    select * from table_name

    where X = 'emp1'

    select * from table_name

    where X ='emp2'

    but when I try to insert data for both together like

    select *

    from table_name

    where X in(emp1, emp2)

    it is giving me error " Error converting data type varchar to numeric."

    in the code which I am running I am converting some columns from varchar to numeric using isnumeric and case statement like below :

    case when isnumeric([PSREC24] ) = 0 then NULL else ([PSREC24] ) end



  • It's bad data. You have a character that passes for numeric but cannot be inserted into a numeric field. Examine:

    select isnumeric('$00')--returns 1, is numeric according to the function

    select cast('$00' as numeric)--Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

    Edit: formatting code box

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • Also, this article can give you some insight on how isnumeric works and what pitfalls to avoid.

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • thank you.. I will try it and get back

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