October 26, 2011 at 1:25 pm
Hey all,
I need to return a single csv column for [sys].[dm_db_index_physical_stats]'s [alloc_unit_type_desc] and a bit unsure how to tackle this.
For example:
FROM [sys].[dm_db_index_physical_stats] (8, NULL, NULL , NULL, 'SAMPLED')
WHERE [object_id] = 1346103836
This record returns three rows because of the [alloc_unit_type_desc]. Instead, I want a single record returned and the different values of [alloc_unit_type_desc] in a single csv column.
October 26, 2011 at 6:32 pm
October 27, 2011 at 8:16 pm
First of all, you have more than one field causing duplication, in the example I found on my server all of the fields after alloc_unit_type_desc were also different, so you have to apply that to each field.
I'm sure the XML method, but I'm not as familiar with it. Another method is to use CTE's - this worked for me. If you want more than one row of output (i.e. look at >1 table at a time) you would need to use a cursor or a function.
declare @s1 varchar(max),@s2 varchar(max),@s3 varchar(max)
declare @s4 varchar(max),@s5 varchar(max),@s6 varchar(max)
SELECT @s1 = '',@s2 = '',@s3 = '',@s4 = '', @s5 = '', @s6 = ''
@s1 = @s1 + [alloc_unit_type_desc] + ','
,@s2 = @s2 + cast([avg_fragmentation_in_percent] as varchar(20)) + ','
,@s3 = @s3 + cast([page_count] as varchar(20)) + ','
,@s4 = @s4 + cast([avg_page_space_used_in_percent] as varchar(20)) + ','
,@s5 = @s5 + cast([record_count] as varchar(20)) + ','
,@s6 = @s6 + cast([avg_record_size_in_bytes] as varchar(20)) + ','
FROM [sys].[dm_db_index_physical_stats] (8, NULL, NULL , NULL, 'SAMPLED')
WHERE [object_id] = 1346103836
SELECT [database_id]
,left(@s1,len(@s1)-1) [alloc_unit_type_desc]
,left(@s2,len(@s2)-1) [avg_fragmentation_in_percent]
,left(@s3,len(@s3)-1) [page_count]
,left(@s4,len(@s4)-1) [avg_page_space_used_in_percent]
,left(@s5,len(@s5)-1) [record_count]
,left(@s6,len(@s6)-1) [avg_record_size_in_bytes]
FROM [sys].[dm_db_index_physical_stats] (8, NULL, NULL , NULL, 'SAMPLED')
WHERE [object_id] = 1346103836
group by [database_id]
October 28, 2011 at 4:02 am
This might help
, [csv column] = substring((SELECT ( ', ' + [alloc_unit_type_desc] )
FROM [sys].[dm_db_index_physical_stats] (8, NULL, NULL , NULL, 'SAMPLED') as s2
WHERE s2.[database_id] = s1.[database_id] AND s2.[object_id] = s1.[object_id] AND s2.[index_id] = s1.[index_id]
), 3, 1000 )
[sys].[dm_db_index_physical_stats] (8, NULL, NULL , NULL, 'SAMPLED') as s1
[object_id] = 1346103836
October 28, 2011 at 8:09 am
CELKO (10/27/2011)
SQL Programmers do that kind of display formatting in the presentation layer and NEVER in the back end. Do you know what First Normal Form is (1NF) and why it is teh foundation of the Relational Model?If you want to be a bad SQL programmer there are stinky kludges like XML, cursors, etc.
Not true if "the system" is creating files and/or there is no "front end". 😉
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
October 28, 2011 at 1:17 pm
Thanks for the ideas all. I actually ended up going a different route utilizing a temp table and performing updates/deletes based on the logic I needed and it met my needs. While this may have worked, the new way was a bit more clean.
Thanks again!
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