Exporting data to MS Ecel 2007 results in Error 0xc0202025: Data Flow Task 1: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid

  • Im trying to export data from 2 tables in my database:




    But im getting an error (Error 0xc0202025: Data Flow Task 1: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid.) and I dont know why:

    In MSSQL2008 I do the following:

    - right click on my db

    - tasks

    - export data...

    - source is yourba

    - next

    - destination is "Microsoft Excel"

    - filename is "c:\tmp\prospects.xlsx" (or for other table: "c:\tmp\prospectsincampaigns.xlsx")

    - set Excel version to Microsoft Excel 2007

    - Next

    - Next

    - Check [prospects]

    - Next

    - Next

    - Finish

    I see this error: Error 0xc0202025: Data Flow Task 1: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid.

    The db backup can be found here: http://www.wunderwedding.com/files/yba_db.zip

  • Take a look at the Edit Mappings and tell me what the data types and sizes you are trying to export are.



    CE - Microsoft

  • This typically happens when 1 or more fields exceeds the width restriction. However, I find it easier with Excel to SELECT * FROM table and then highlight the results, copy with headers, and then paste. Save you the hassle if this is a one time thing.



    CE - Microsoft

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