December 12, 2011 at 4:27 pm
I have a sproc that counts the number of records where certain columns from matching records in 2 tables aren't eual in value as below.
sum(case when WS.[PID] <> C.[PID] then 1 else 0 end) as '[PID]'
,sum(case when WS.[Date] <> C.[Date] then 1 else 0 end) as '[Date]'
,sum(case when WS.[Address] <> C.[Address] then 1 else 0 end) as '[Address]'
,sum(case when WS.[Desc] <> C.[Desc] then 1 else 0 end) as '[Desc]'
FROM [DB_A].[dbo].[Tble_A] C Left Outer Join
[DB_B].[dbo].[Tble_B] WS
on WS.[BACLoanNum] = C.[LoanNum]
Where C.RunDt = (Select Max(RunDt) From [DB_A].[dbo].[CleanSBO])
It outputs the results in a single row but I'd like to have each column name and count in its own row such as:
Column Total_Rows_Unequal
PID 100
Date 0
Address 100000
Desc 44455
How can I do this? I'm assuming it can be done with an Unpivot but I'm having difficulty finding information on it.
December 12, 2011 at 9:52 pm
dndaughtery (12/12/2011)
I have a sproc that counts the number of records where certain columns from matching records in 2 tables aren't eual in value as below.
sum(case when WS.[PID] <> C.[PID] then 1 else 0 end) as '[PID]'
,sum(case when WS.[Date] <> C.[Date] then 1 else 0 end) as '[Date]'
,sum(case when WS.[Address] <> C.[Address] then 1 else 0 end) as '[Address]'
,sum(case when WS.[Desc] <> C.[Desc] then 1 else 0 end) as '[Desc]'
FROM [DB_A].[dbo].[Tble_A] C Left Outer Join
[DB_B].[dbo].[Tble_B] WS
on WS.[BACLoanNum] = C.[LoanNum]
Where C.RunDt = (Select Max(RunDt) From [DB_A].[dbo].[CleanSBO])
It outputs the results in a single row but I'd like to have each column name and count in its own row such as:
Column Total_Rows_Unequal
PID 100
Date 0
Address 100000
Desc 44455
How can I do this? I'm assuming it can be done with an Unpivot but I'm having difficulty finding information on it.
Treat the query you have as if it were a table in a FROM clause complete with a "table aliase" and unpivot that. Or, put your query in a CTE and Unpivot the CTE.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
December 13, 2011 at 12:22 am
Instead of unpivot you can also use "cross apply" to create a row for each result found. This avoids some costly query plan steps, which can not be avoided when using "unpivot". Something like this:
from (
select col1, col2, col3
from dbo.yourtable
) t
cross apply (
select 'col1' as [name], t.col1 as [value]
union all select 'col2', t.col2
union all select 'col3', t.col3
) x
However, as can be seen clearly from this example, it requires the columns col1, col2, and col3 to be of the same type, or at least implicitly convertable into one and the same type. "unpivot" has the same limitation. If your data columns have different data types, you're better of sticking to showing the values per column, so that each column can be kept in it's own data type instead of having to convert all values into one common data type. In your case, each column is an int (being the result of sum()), so both solutions should work fine.
December 13, 2011 at 12:36 am
I put that into your example plus I added an additional tip: if any of the columns are optional, the comparison you used may not give the desired result. If you change the equal comparison by isnull(nullif(),nullif()) is not null you can check for either or both of the values being null too. The trick is that in the both nullif's the parameters have to be reversed.
select x.[column], x.[Differences]
from (
Select sum(case when isnull(nullif(WS.[PID], C.[PID]),nullif(C.[PID],WS.[PID])) is not null then 1 else 0 end) as [PID]
,sum(case when isnull(nullif(WS.[Date],C.[Date]),nullif(C.[Date],WS.[Date])) is not null then 1 else 0 end) as [Date]
,sum(case when isnull(nullif(WS.[Address],C.[Address]),nullif(C.[Address],WS.[Address])) is not null then 1 else 0 end) as [Address]
,sum(case when isnull(nullif(WS.[Desc],C.[Desc]),nullif(C.[Desc],WS.[Desc])) is not null then 1 else 0 end) as [Desc]
FROM [DB_A].[dbo].[Tble_A] C Left Outer Join
[DB_B].[dbo].[Tble_B] WS
on WS.[BACLoanNum] = C.[LoanNum]
Where C.RunDt = (Select Max(RunDt) From [DB_A].[dbo].[CleanSBO])
) t
cross apply (
select 'PID' as [column], t.PID as [Differences]
union all select 'Date', t.[Date]
union all select 'Address', t.[Address]
union all select 'Desc', t.[Desc]
) x
December 13, 2011 at 1:05 pm
Thanks, the cross apply did the trick!
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