Mount point Diskusage

  • Anybody knows how to get the mount point usage using sql server 2005/2008 command?

    Thanks in advance!


    I got a vbs script for the same request - but if somebody knows a t-sql script, please let me know.

    strComputer = "."

    Set objWMIService = GetObject _

    ( "winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

    Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _

    ("Select * From Win32_Volume Where DriveType = 3" )

    For Each objItem In colItems

    iSpc = cDbl(objItem.FreeSpace)

    ispc1 = cDbl(objItem.Capacity)

    WScript.Echo objItem.Label, "Drive", "has", FormatiSpc(iSpc) & "GB Free OF Volume size: " & FormatiSpc(iSpc1) & "GB"


    Function FormatiSpc(intSpace)

    intSpace = intSpace/1024

    intSpace = intSpace/1024

    intSpace = intSpace/1024

    intSpace= FormatNumber(intSpace,1)

    FormatiSpc = intSpace

    end Function

  • As this is an operating system consideration, there is no direct way to get it through a T-SQL query, other than using xp_cmdshell or a CLR function.

    I'd suggets writing a CLR function to do this as .NET will expose the drives and mountpoints more cleanly and you don't have the same security issues as running VBScript.

    I assume you want this as a dynamic "live" query? If a daily snapshot is good enough then running a powershell script to populate a table or something similar would also work.

  • If you are using SQL2008 where powershell script is supported and if your SQL Server service account has enough privilege on the mount points, you can schedule powershell scripts to collect disk space information.

    And this approach is being used right now by my company and myself. Another word of advice, the underlying OS has to be Win2003 or newer to fully support powershell scripts. Based on my own experience, I failed to retrieve disk space info on mount points in Win2000 servers by powersehll.


  • Thanks a lot for your fast reply.

    I believe a sql query is there to retrieve the information.

  • I use below T-SQL code to get mount point that are used by databases from sysaltfiles.

    In below code, you need to change following lines as per your enviornment.

    select distinct substring(filename, 1, charindex('database',filename,0)-1) from master..sysaltfiles

    where dbid > 4 and groupid = 1 and filename not like '%Log%' and filename not like '%SystemDB%'


    select distinct substring(filename, 1, charindex('dblogs',filename,0)-1) from master..sysaltfiles

    where dbid > 4 and groupid = 0 and filename not like '%AppDB%' and filename not like '%SystemDB%'

    set nocount on

    declare @Objname nvarchar(50), @dbname nvarchar(100), @ToDbname nvarchar(100),

    @Fserver nvarchar(50), @Tserver nvarchar(50),

    @Org_datafile nvarchar (260) , @To_datafile nvarchar(260),

    @Org_Logfile nvarchar(260), @To_logfile nvarchar(260),

    @cmd nvarchar(2000), @quote_double char(1), @return_code int,

    @mount_point_name nvarchar(1000), @free_space int, @total_space int,

    @result nvarchar(4000)

    create table #mountpoint_space_query (

    space_output nvarchar(2000)


    create table #mountpoint_space_result (

    mount_point_name varchar(500),

    space_free_MB int,

    space_total_MB int,



    --select DISTINCT

    --RTRIM(LTRIM(left(filename,len(filename) - charindex('database',filename,0)+1 )))

    --from master..sysaltfiles

    --where groupid = 1 and dbid > 4



    --charindex('database',filename,0)-1, filename, *

    --from master..sysaltfiles

    --where groupid = 1 and dbid > 4

    select distinct substring(filename, 1, charindex('database',filename,0)-1) from master..sysaltfiles

    where dbid > 4 and groupid = 1 and filename not like '%Log%' and filename not like '%SystemDB%'


    select distinct substring(filename, 1, charindex('dblogs',filename,0)-1) from master..sysaltfiles

    where dbid > 4 and groupid = 0 and filename not like '%AppDB%' and filename not like '%SystemDB%'

    open SpaceCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM SpaceCursor INTO @result

    WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)


    IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)


    truncate table #mountpoint_space_query

    --PRINT @result

    --set @cmd = 'xp_cmdshell ''dir ' + @result + ''''

    SET@cmd = 'EXEC XP_CMDSHELL ''fsutil volume diskfree ' + @result + ''''

    --PRINT @cmd

    insert into #mountpoint_space_query ( space_output) exec(@cmd)

    --select @free_space=cast (replace(substring(space_output, charindex('Dir(s)',space_output,0)+6, charindex('bytes free',space_output,0)- charindex('Dir(s)',space_output,0) -6), ',', '') as bigint )/(1024*1024)

    --from #mountpoint_space_query

    --where space_output like '%bytes free%'

    select @free_space = cast(substring(space_output, charindex(':',space_output,0)+1, 255) as bigint)/(1024*1024) from #mountpoint_space_query

    where space_output like '%Total # of free bytes%'

    select @total_space = cast(substring(space_output, charindex(':',space_output,0)+1, 255) as bigint)/(1024*1024) from #mountpoint_space_query

    where space_output like '%Total # of bytes%'

    insert into #mountpoint_space_result (mount_point_name, space_free_MB, space_total_MB)

    values (@result, @free_space, @total_space)


    FETCH NEXT FROM SpaceCursor INTO @result


    close SpaceCursor

    deallocate SpaceCursor

    --select * from #mountpoint_space_result

    select @@servername, *, cast(((cast(space_free_MB as float))/cast(space_total_MB as float)*100) as float) as [PercentFree] from #mountpoint_space_result

    --where cast(((cast(space_free_MB as float))/cast(space_total_MB as float)*100) as float) < 20

    drop table #mountpoint_space_query;drop table #mountpoint_space_result;

  • Could you explain a little bit more what you mean about setting the values according to 'your' environment? What do you mean, and which values do you change? Why are there so many lines commented out in the middle of the script?

    I appreciate if you can take the time to answer this for me.



  • while applying the script giving errors like below

    Msg 536, Level 16, State 5, Line 36

    Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function.

    Msg 16917, Level 16, State 2, Line 37

    Cursor is not open.

    Msg 16917, Level 16, State 1, Line 64

    Cursor is not open.

    how we can fix the errors...

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