Executing SP ..error

  • i wrote a Sp where there are 2 output parameters @a(nvarchar), @b-2 (int).

    Having errors related to the second parameter. Mapped this parameters in Execute storeproc as follows:

    a output (datatype) Nvarchar 0

    b output numeric 1

    Tried changing @b-2 datatype to Long, but i couldn't figure it out.


    The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::b" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.

    but donot know, what excatly its telling me.

    Incase this may help you to figure out, i am creating variables (package scoped ) same as the Storeproc variables (i.e a(Datatype string) , b(datatype int)

  • Not sure if you tried this yet, but in your procedure, try using BIGINT instead of int.

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