execute ssis using xp_cmdshell

  • Executing ssis package using xp_cmdshell

    As you see below, executing this sql in Development sqlserver is fine and works correctly.

    But as you see further down, there is a problem when executing this sql in Production sql server.

    Do you see why I get the mentioned error?

    --Development Server


    declare @param varchar(4000)

    set @param =

    C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Microsoft SQL Server"\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe /f "\\DEV_ServerName\D$\Users\MyUsername\My Development\SSIS\CompanySSIS\CompanySSIS\FXRates.dtsx" /SET "\Package.Variables[User::MainPath].Value";"\cgi" /SET "\Package.Variables[User::ServerName].Value";"\\DEV_ServerName" /SET "\Package.Variables[User::FileName].Value";"FX Rates.csv" /SET "\Package.Variables[User::MailTo].Value";"MyUsername@Company.com" /SET "\Package.Connections[DBName].Properties[InitialCatalog]";"DevDatabaseName" /SET "\Package.Connections[DBName].Properties[ServerName]";"DEV_ServerName"

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @param

    --Production Server


    --Error message: "The system cannot find the path specified."

    declare @param varchar(4000)

    set @param =

    C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Microsoft SQL Server"\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe /f "\\PROD_ServerName\CGI\SSIS\Packages\FXRates.dtsx" /SET "\Package.Variables[User::MainPath].Value";"\cgi" /SET "\Package.Variables[User::ServerName].Value";"\\PROD_ServerName" /SET "\Package.Variables[User::FileName].Value";"FX Rates.csv" /SET "\Package.Variables[User::MailTo].Value";"MyUsername@Company.com" /SET "\Package.Connections[DBName].Properties[InitialCatalog]";"ProdDatabaseName" /SET "\Package.Connections[DBName].Properties[ServerName]";"PROD_ServerName"

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @param



    In Dev sql server, I am using the full path i.e. \\DEV_ServerName\D$\Users...

    In Prod sql server, I am using the following maopped path i.e. \\PROD_ServerName\CGI...


    After doing alot of searching on th eproduction, it seems that the DTEXEC.exe is NOT present

    C:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Microsoft SQL Server"\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe

    Whereas this file does exist in Dev.

    May be the first thing to do is to add the dtexec.exe into tis folder in Prod? If so how as this file does not exist any where on the prod server.


    Any suggestions please?


  • Hi

    It's not that easy.

    You have to install Integration Services on your Production server (that must be done on your dev server);

    It will install the required DTExec and the engine that will process your dtsx package.

  • Ok, Thank you

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