Need to Extract Data From a Column

  • I have a table that looks like this:


    UPDATE: PurchaseOrderLines 104142-2-0

    UPDATE: PurchaseOrderLines 110505-2-0

    UPDATE: PurchaseOrderLines 111900-5-0

    UPDATE: PurchaseOrderLines 113507-2-0

    It can be built here:

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#PurchaseOrder','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #JobOrder


    --===== Create the test table

    CREATE TABLE #PurchaseOrder(



    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #PurchaseOrder


    SELECT 'UPDATE: PurchaseOrderLines 104142-2-0' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'UPDATE: PurchaseOrderLines 110505-2-0' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'UPDATE: PurchaseOrderLines 111900-5-0' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'UPDATE: PurchaseOrderLines 113507-2-0'

    --==== SELECT the records

    SELECT FlowName FROM #PurchaseOrder

    The first set of numbers after the words are purchase order numbers (104142, 110505, 111900, 113507). The first numbers after the dashes are purchase order line numbers (2, 2, 5, 2). I need to extract this information to look like this:







    What is the best way to do this? Let me know if you need any more information.



  • Now this will do what you say you need, BUT note that it will NOT correctly handle

    1. Line numbers greater that a single digit

    2. Purchase order numbers > 6 digits

    but hopefully this will give you a start.

    SELECT SUBSTRING(Flowname,CHARINDEX(' ',Flowname,CHARINDEX (' ' ,Flowname,1)+2),7) AS 'P.O. Num'

    ,SUBSTRING(Flowname,CHARINDEX('-',Flowname)+1,1) AS 'Line #'

    FROM #PurchaseOrder


    P.O. Num Line #

    104142 2

    110505 2

    111900 5

    113507 2

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Yes, that will get me started. I should have mentioned that the purchase order numbers may vary in size, as well as the line numbers, which may be from one to three characters in length.

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