Getting error whille resotoring

  • Hello,

    I am getting the following error while restoring one of the database; can somebody pls tell me whether this error means the backup copy is corrupted. TNX

    Note - error message is attached

  • Are you restoring to the same server as the backup was taken?

  • yes, but I also tried to restore it in different server and I am getting the same error,

    I am using SSMS, is there a way I can repair the corrupted file


  • One cause of the error is trying to restore to a earlier SQL Server version - for example, trying to restore a 2008 backup to a 2005 server. This is the only situation where i have seen the error.

    You may try taking another backup and trying to restore from it to see if you get the same error. This would tell you if it is the backup media error or something in the backup/restore process.

  • I did a search on the error message and see a variety of causes. Perhaps you could give more details about your environment. What causes have you ruled out ?

  • The current db in 2005 and it is corrupted; so I am trying to restore it from one of the old backup copy and that's when

    I am getting this error. Tnx

  • Download SQLBAKReader (link in my sig) to check if the backup set(s) in your backup file is of the same or older version as the SQL Server instance you are trying to restore the backup set on. That will also tell you if the backup header is corrupted i.e. you are seeing junk in the output or the app hangs!.

    SQL BAK Explorer - read SQL Server backup file details without SQL Server.
    Supports backup files created with SQL Server 2005 up to SQL Server 2017.

  • I ran SQLBAKreader and I was able to figure out that this bakup copy was from another server which is actually sql 2008; I am not sure how it got there with other sql 2005 backups

    Thanks so much!

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