MSSQL Server 2008 R2 not being connected via ip address.

  • I am using MSSQL 2008 R2

    Operation System :- Windows server 2008

    When i write B0-C2\SQLEXPRESS in servername the SQL connected

    but if i try to connect SQL with ip address.. it shows following error:

    named pipe provider error 40 could not open connection to sql server

    i enabled all services of MSSQL 2008

    one service is not started :- SQL server agent(Getting automatically stopped)

    even in Services list of windows server 2008 i tried to start ICS service but same

    it's not started

    Error :- ICS Service on local computer started and stopped. some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or program.

    ICS translate the name of computer into ip-address.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Do you have two or more instances installed on that server? Are you connecting to right IP address?

  • Yes i am connecting to right ip address......

    actually when i was working on MSSQL2005 ..

    ICS started after setting.

    don't know why 2008R2 giving a problem...!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks & Regards,

  • pallavi.unde (12/30/2011)

    Yes i am connecting to right ip address......

    actually when i was working on MSSQL2005 ..

    ICS started after setting.

    don't know why 2008R2 giving a problem...!!!!!!!!!!!

    In the article below Pinal has given steps to troubleshoot & fix the issue. Please follow him.

  • its not R2 that is the problem, its connecting to the instance.

    since you can connect via name, we know you already allowed remote connections.

    to get to an instance, instead of the default, you need to either specify the instance or the port to get to it:\SQLEXPRESS

    or change your instance to listen to a specific port, and connect like this this[comma][port]:,1711


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  • When you use an IP address instead of the server name, SQLNCLI assumes TCP/IP is enabled.

    Is there any particular reason why you're using Named Pipes and not TCP/IP?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Yes .... Problem get solved by adding port ...:)

    Thank u very much

    Thanks & Regards,

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