Joining, but need to find the row with the min values in it

  • Hi,

    I am LEFT joining to a lookup table by product code to find a product cost. The problem is that in the lookup table there are multiple rows for this product code, and I want to use the min(cost).

    In my SQL, I want to multiply a main table value (product sales) by the lookup tables cost value for that product.

    I feel I'd like to write...

    SELECT a.sales * b.cost as TotalCost ... WHERE b.cost = min(b.cost).

    Obviously this is "fantasy SQL", but maybe you can see what I'd like to achieve !

    I hope this is clear, if not let me know and I'll add in some test data.

    Regards, Greg

  • greg.bull (9/22/2011)


    I am LEFT joining to a lookup table by product code to find a product cost. The problem is that in the lookup table there are multiple rows for this product code, and I want to use the min(cost).

    In my SQL, I want to multiply a main table value (product sales) by the lookup tables cost value for that product.

    I feel I'd like to write...

    SELECT a.sales * b.cost as TotalCost ... WHERE b.cost = min(b.cost).

    Obviously this is "fantasy SQL", but maybe you can see what I'd like to achieve !

    I hope this is clear, if not let me know and I'll add in some test data.

    Regards, Greg

    Subquery. e.g.

    SELECT a.productCode, a.sales * b.cost AS TotalCost

    FROM myTable a


    SELECT productCode, MIN(cost) AS cost

    FROM myTable

    GROUP BY productCode

    ) b ON a.productCode = b.productCode

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  • Thanks Cadaver,

    I haven't tried this before and it is very, very useful.

    All working happily now.

    Regards, Greg

  • It's a form of correlated subquery

  • Me like...

  • With appropriate indices, a CROSS/OUTER APPLY should perform better, but you should test it with your actual data. An OUTER APPLY corresponds to the LEFT JOIN that you are currently using.

    SELECT a.productCode, a.sales * b.cost AS TotalCost

    FROM myTable AS a


    SELECT TOP (1) productCode, cost

    FROM myTable

    ORDER BY cost

    WHERE a.productCode = b.productCode

    ) AS b


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • OUTER APPLY? I'll be looking that up.

  • I tend to get better results with an old-school subquery.

    Here's a real-world example where we have an invoice sales table and product costs table with effective-from dates.

    We need the most recent cost for a given product that applies to the invoice.

    SELECT a.InvoiceQty * b.cost as TotalCost

    FROM Sales a, ProductCosts b

    WHERE a.ProductCode = b.ProductCode -- join to get the cost we want

    AND a.InvoiceDate >= b.CostingDate -- where the cost wasn't applied after the invoice

    AND b.CostingDate = (

    SELECT max(c.CostingDate) -- the most recent bit

    FROM ProductCosts c

    WHERE c.ProductCode = b.ProductCode -- for the given product, this could join to a


  • Thanks to you both for adding in extra thought and comment.

    Regards, Greg

  • Another way using ROW_NUMBER

    WITH OrderedCosts AS (

    SELECT ProductCode,Cost,


    FROM ProductCosts)

    SELECT a.ProductCode, a.InvoiceQty * b.Cost as TotalCost

    FROM Sales a

    INNER JOIN OrderedCosts b ON a.ProductCode = b.ProductCode

    AND b.rn=1


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