Building a invoice number SQL Server & Ms Access

  • Good afternoon,

    I have problem with my current development on a billing system which is in multi-user environment. I have develop its client base in Ms Access. We links all Ms SQL Server table to Ms Access client.

    All Ms Access client form, can issue an invoice number. Those number can never delete, only cancelled can be applied for. Once, user click to print invoice, the program will call the store procedure UDP_GETINVOICENUMBER

    to get its latest value.

    I have tried to test my program in 4 different PC. Each PC is responsible to build 1000 invoice on a button cmdTest_Click()

    Public Sub TimeDelay(ByVal nSeconds As Long)

    Dim nStart As Long

    nStart = Timer

    Do Until CLng(Timer - nStart) > nSeconds



    End Sub

    Public Function GetFRNumber(strFromType As String) As Long

    Dim objconn As ADODB.Connection

    Dim objData As ADODB.Recordset

    Dim prm As ADODB.Parameter

    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command

    Dim strFormNo As Long, stProcName As String

    Dim CounterStep As Integer

    CounterStep = 0


    On Error GoTo Err_GetFRNumber

    Set objconn = New ADODB.Connection

    'Getting Connection String

    If (Trim(GBL_STRCONN) = "") Then

    GBL_STRCONN = GetConnConfig()

    End If

    objconn.ConnectionString = GBL_STRCONN


    'Append parameters

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    stProcName = "UDP_GETINVOICENUMBER" 'Define name of Stored Procedure to execute.

    cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc 'Define the ADODB command

    cmd.ActiveConnection = objconn 'Set the command connection string

    cmd.CommandText = stProcName 'Define Stored Procedure to run

    With cmd

    Set prm = .CreateParameter("@form_type", adVarChar, adParamInput, 3, strFromType)

    .Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@form_number", adBigInt, adParamOutput, 20)

    .Parameters.Append prm


    ' Retrieve form Number

    strFormNo = Val(.Parameters("@form_number"))

    End With


    Set cmd = Nothing

    Set objconn = Nothing

    'Return Calculation value

    GetFRNumber = strFormNo


    Exit Function


    If CounterStep < 10 Then

    Call TimeDelay(1) 'Delay for 1 second

    CounterStep = CounterStep + 1

    GoTo TryAgain


    GetFRNumber = -1

    MsgBox "GetFRNumber", Err.Number, Err.Description

    Resume Exit_GetFRNumber

    End If

    End Function

    private Sub cmdTest_Click()

    For j = 1 To 1000

    lnginvoicenumber = GetFRNumber("EXP")

    strSQLQuery = "UPDATE dbo_tblEXCG SET EXCGID=" & lnginvoicenumber & " " _

    & "WHERE(EXCGID=" & strRandomCode & ")"

    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQLQuery

    strSQLQuery = "UPDATE dbo_tblEXCGD SET EXCGID=" & lnginvoicenumber & " " _

    & "WHERE(EXCGID=" & strRandomCode & ")"

    DoCmd.RunSQL strSQLQuery

    Next j

    End Sub

    Table : [tblFormRunningNumber]





    @form_type as char(3),

    @form_number AS BIGINT OUTPUT





    --the forces the record to be locked by doing an arbitrary update to the row

    UPDATE tblFormRunningNumber


    WHERE (FType=@form_type)

    --Make a selection to last number form storage + 1

    SELECT @form_number=FNumber+1

    FROM tblFormRunningNumber

    WHERE (FType=@form_type)

    --Update data to form number running last number table

    UPDATE tblFormRunningNumber

    SET FNumber=@form_number,LastUpdated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP




    With the current implementation, I still found duplicate invoice number once the test on the 4 PCs is completed.

    Is there any possibility to fix the problem of duplicate invoice number?

    Best regards,


  • If you make the Invoice Number field (column in SQL Server) the primary key for the table, or at least add a unique index using that field, you will prevent duplicates, but you will get an error when you try to save the record. Have you considered making that field an auto-number (identity in SQL Server) field so that SQL Server assigns the number?

    Colorful Colorado
    You can't see the view if you don't climb the mountain!

  • You should try and avoid assigning the number based on a value on a table and use the identity if possible.

    If you go with the update table methodology you need to consolidate your code and include in within a transaction.

    It you go with the table method as opposed to an identity you will not get duplicates but you run the risk of blocking.

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  • I agree, the first thing you must do is set a unique index on the invoice number column, even if it is the surrogate key and not the Primary Key. (Yes, I believe in surragate keys, but that's another topic.)

    Another thing to try is to move this process to T-SQL and embed it in a transaction. That way you could create a cursor to loop through the records and build the invoice numbers and be guaranteed that noone else is trying to retrieve invoice numbers simultaneously.

    Ultimately, you should move this process to SQL and use the T-SQL functions: DENSE_RANK() and ROW_NUMBER(). I use them to auto-build purchase orders, invoices, work orders, etc. These functions can be used to generate the sequential invoice numbers when creating batches of data without the need for client-side looping or server-side cursors.

  • Robert Magrogan (6/20/2011)

    Another thing to try is to move this process to T-SQL and embed it in a transaction. That way you could create a cursor to loop through the records and build the invoice numbers and be guaranteed that noone else is trying to retrieve invoice numbers simultaneously.

    Ultimately, you should move this process to SQL and use the T-SQL functions: DENSE_RANK() and ROW_NUMBER(). I use them to auto-build purchase orders, invoices, work orders, etc. These functions can be used to generate the sequential invoice numbers when creating batches of data without the need for client-side looping or server-side cursors.

    Can you think of a scenario where you approach would not work or be a problem? 🙂

    Why not use an identity column?

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