Data Spliting

  • Hi ,

    Can some one help me with the below issue.

    I got a Table with one Column with data like ABC$$$DEF$EF

    Now i want to split that data into another table three columns like ABC into one column DEF into another column and EF into another column

    Or else a query which splits them into three peices excluding '$'

    Thank you

  • Have you searched SQLServerCentral for a String Splitter[/url]?

    Ole Kristian Velstadbråten Bangås - Virinco - Facebook - Twitter

    Concatenating Row Values in Transact-SQL[/url]

  • use the loop and insert into new table . Check with following code

    declare @temp varchar(100)

    select @temp ='ABC$$$DEF$EF'

    select * from SplitDelimited ((replace(replace(replace(@temp,'$$$','-'),'$$','-'),'$','-')),'-')

    if you want split methode , you can use the following one.

    Create FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitDelimited]


    @List nvarchar(2000),

    @SplitOn nvarchar(1)


    RETURNS @RtnValue table (

    Id int identity(1,1),

    Value nvarchar(100)




    While (Charindex(@SplitOn,@List)>0)


    Insert Into @RtnValue (value)


    Value = ltrim(rtrim(Substring(@List,1,Charindex(@SplitOn,@List)-1)))

    Set @List = Substring(@List,Charindex(@SplitOn,@List)+len(@SplitOn),len(@List))


    Insert Into @RtnValue (Value)

    Select Value = ltrim(rtrim(@List))



  • pdharmaraju (12/28/2011)

    use the loop and insert into new table

    It has been shown repeatedly that the loop performs much worse than the string splitter that was linked to previously in this thread. See the following article about tally tables The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop.[/url] which includes a direct comparison of splitting strings by both a loop and a tally table.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • A lot of the solution depends on the data. If you replace '$$$' with '-' and '-' is an allowed character in the string, then you have trouble, so be careful with the replace. If all you know is that there are three sets of characters that do not include any '$', but are separated by the '$$$' and '$', then I might start simple with substring and charindex. My example doesn't include cases where there might be missing sets of characters (for example just 'ABC$$$DEF'), but those could be added with a case statement in each of the substring selections. Here is something I would try to start:

    declare @temp varchar(100)

    select @temp ='ABC$$$DEF$EF'

    select @temp, SUBSTRING(@temp, 1, charindex('$$$', @temp)-1) as First_Set,

    SUBSTRING(@temp, charindex('$$$', @temp) + 3, charindex('$', @temp, charindex('$$$', @temp)+ 3) - charindex('$$$', @temp) -3) as Middle_Set,

    SUBSTRING(@temp, charindex('$', @temp, charindex('$$$', @temp)+ 3) + 1, LEN(@temp) -charindex('$', @temp, charindex('$$$', @temp)+ 3)) as Last_Set

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