use adodb to get data

  • Hi, I am using ADODB to get data from SQL server in a script task using code below

    Dim Server, Database, Username, Password

    Dim ADOCN As New ADODB.Connection

    Dim ADORS As New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim Catno, X, Y, Z, StrSQL, StrCON, Main_No

    Server = "xxx"

    Database = "yyy"

    Username = "zzz

    Password = "aaa"

    StrCON = "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=" & Server & ";" & _

    "DATABASE=" & Database & ";UID=" & Username & ";PWD=" & Password

    ADOCN.Open StrCON

    StrSQL = "select * from iv00102 where itemnmbr = '00016'"


    How can i use connection manager and use the same code to connect to data source defined in the package for using the same code.

    What do i replace these lines with to use a predefined connection called "SQLConnection"

    StrCON = "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=" & Server & ";" & _

    "DATABASE=" & Database & ";UID=" & Username & ";PWD=" & Password

    ADOCN.Open StrCON

    Please advise. Thanks in advance.

  • You're connecting to a SQL Server database? Just use the OLE DB Source as your component and follow the on-screen steps to connect, then use the SQL Command option as your source and put your query in.

    You shouldn't use SELECT * btw, change it to get only the fields you need.

  • I need to connect to it in a script task. I need to do some processing on the data and save it to other tables. I do need to do it in script task FYI.

    Got the point about not using select *. thanks for that.

  • I'd really strongly recommend that you instead do the processing using SSIS components. That's the whole point of using SSIS 😛 Pretty much everything you could do with the script component, you can do with the other built-in components.

    Why don't you post what you're trying to accomplish and we can try and find a way to help you to do it with the other components?

  • I have on very rare occasion used a script task to read SQL data in SSIS, and in those cases only when I had to do something that was very difficult in SQL. Unfortunately I can't name the cases right now but they were kind of last resorts. I would strongly recommend not doing this. You might add a script transform in the pipeline to to the manipulations but I would try VERY hard to NOT use it as a source in this case.


  • Check this link.

    Hope that it helps.


  • It's too late for that. I have coded many packages using these techniques. Just need to change the way the connection to server is done. It would help me a lot if someone could tell me how to replace the code to use connection manager.

  • Did you see my post?

    - Chris

  • Chris, sorry, yes I just saw it. i had the browser open and didn't refresh before posting the reply. I think that would work. I am trying it now to see. thanks

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