Log into SQL Server from Outside the Domain

  • My laptop account is not a domain AD account. Guy who set it up told me I'd have to start with a new account to get into the domain. Not practical. Would take forever. So,

    I want to have my ACCDB (Access 2007) front end link to a SQL Server ("Lion") with a trusted connection. Lion is the AD controller, but, as I said, this particular account on my laptop is NOT in the domain ("Mortise") that Lion controls.

    Can I do it? Or do I have to reconfigure everything?


  • This should point you in the right direction:

    Runas /netonly

    Some applications don’t support stored user names and passwords. For example SQL Server Management Studio will not be able to connect to a database on a different domain using Windows authentication. In these cases you can use the runas command with netonly option and make the application access network resources under a different set of credentials.

    c:\>runas /user:CLIENT\account /netonly ssms.exe

    Enter the password for CLIENT\account:

    Attempting to start ssms.exe as user "CLIENT\account" ...

    When started with the command line above, SQL Server Management Studio will use CLIENT\account to connect to all SQL servers instead of the actual account you used to log into your computer (CATAPULT\osych in my case). In other words, if you need to connect to a database on sqlserver.client.lan, it will use CLIENT\account credentials you supply.

    This trick works for all applications that need to connect to SQL Server using integrated windows authentication, not just SQL Server Management Studio. You can use it to run Visual Studio (devenv.exe) and your custom applications.

    source: http://www.olegsych.com/2009/05/crossing-domain-boundaries-windows-authentication/

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