Redirect incomming db calls

  • .

    Is there a way to redirect all incomming calls to another server?goal here Is to redirect all incoming calls on a database to a database located on another server(lets just say I m doing it for migration purpose)..I could ue replication,synonym etc but was wondering if there a better way:-)thanks

  • I think you mean Db requests..

    not sure if I understand your question,, but you could switch ip addresses, that will re-direct traffic to a different server..

  • krypto69 (9/13/2011)

    I think you mean Db requests..

    not sure if I understand your question,, but you could switch ip addresses, that will re-direct traffic to a different server..

    i cant switch ip's because few dbs will have to stay at same instance and few will have to move...its not like a entire server migration...few will be migrated ONLY..any idea how i can do that at database level?

  • Is there a reason you have to do this in SQL Server? Could you make the switch at the application level instead and only switch it for the applications that will be pointing to the new server?

  • ZZartin (9/22/2011)

    Is there a reason you have to do this in SQL Server? Could you make the switch at the application level instead and only switch it for the applications that will be pointing to the new server?

    I probably should have provided more details on this.

    We are migrating from 2005 to 2008R2 and we do use log-shipping as our cold DR solution. About 20 servers are logshipped and distributed over to only two servers. We CANT logship from 2005 ->2008R2, so when we move a server to 2008R2( obviously we cant move all 20 servers to 2008R2 in one shot), we will need to logship to 2008R2 only. In this case it is not possible to send a notification to our all clients saying we have migrated to new server( eventually we will be getting rid of LS). So i was thinking of installing a second 2008R2 instance on the same box of logshipped servers and re-direct all calls hitting 2005 db to 2008r2( assuming the source is also migrated to 2008r2).

    Any ideas now?

  • I have done the log shipping between SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 using my own scripts. I haven't tried it myself but I would think technically you could logship between SQL 2005 and SQL 2008 R2. But it's only useful when you are doing server migration to keep database in sync. If I was you, I would go for a big bang approach. Spend some time preparing a few scripts; using the logshipping keeping the target server up-to-dated; schedule the downtime; backup the tails and restore the tails using the scripts; swap the ip address and shutdown the old system; test the new system if failing the test then bring the old server back fixing the problem and try again.


  • Alan-314321 (9/25/2011)

    I have done the log shipping between SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 using my own scripts. I haven't tried it myself but I would think technically you could logship between SQL 2005 and SQL 2008 R2. But it's only useful when you are doing server migration to keep database in sync. If I was you, I would go for a big bang approach. Spend some time preparing a few scripts; using the logshipping keeping the target server up-to-dated; schedule the downtime; backup the tails and restore the tails using the scripts; swap the ip address and shutdown the old system; test the new system if failing the test then bring the old server back fixing the problem and try again.


    We have excellent scripts for logshipping. However logshipping doesn't work at all from 2008R2 -> 2005 , for 2005 ->2008R2 doesnt work( you can also restore logs but can't get it in standy mode)

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