How to ping a SQL Server datbase?

  • i have 30 databases in 5 iInstances. (2 are sql server 2000 and 3 are sql server 2005) i want to ping all the databases for every 15 min. through a job to know that all the databases are online. how to do that? can any body help me?

  • theres an application out there called What's Up!, which does what you are asking for...tests servers and services on those servers, and notifies people if anything goes down.

    last i heard that app was free, and there was a more enhanced version you could pay for.

    to do it yourself,

    i think once you connect you don't have to worry about specific databases, so SELECT @@VERSION is enough to test the SQL server, but you could simply run SELECT @@VERSION FROM EachLinkedServer.DATABASE1.sys.tables on each linked server to test connectivity to a db as well.


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  • Create linked servers to each of your instances and run the following code on them:

    Here is the Status column description:

    1 = autoclose; set with ALTER DATABASE.

    4 = select into/bulkcopy; set with ALTER DATABASE RECOVERY.

    8 = trunc. log on chkpt; set with ALTER DATABASE RECOVERY.

    16 = torn page detection, set with ALTER DATABASE.

    32 = loading.

    64 = pre recovery.

    128 = recovering.

    256 = not recovered.

    512 = offline; set with ALTER DATABASE.

    1024 = read only; set with ALTER DATABASE.

    2048 = dbo use only; set with ALTER DATABASE RESTRICTED_USER.

    4096 = single user; set with ALTER DATABASE.

    32768 = emergency mode.

    4194304 = autoshrink , set with ALTER DATABASE.

    1073741824 = cleanly shutdown.

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