I was “inspired” to write this post after I read some comments on my last post, Reviewing My 2010 Goals, and I read Brent Ozar’s post, Goals? Where we’re going, we don’t need goals., especially the first 2 sentences of his summary:
Looking up at this list, almost none of it was predictable on 1/1/2010. I’ve done annual goals in the past and been nothing but disappointed because life changed my plans along the way.
That’s how I feel about 2010. I didn’t accomplish many of my 2010 goals, but I do think I did a lot of things.
First, I assumed more and more responsibility for OPASS as the year went on, to the point where I am now the President of OPASS. I’m actually surprised by the amount the work it takes to run a user group, and I had a location already. It is even more for those who need to find a location. You have to find speakers, sponsors, plan the meetings, maintain the web site, handle messaging and marketing, and make sure there is food. I’ve been fortunate as Rodney and Karla Landrum have moved to Orlando and have been very helpful since I took over as president.
Next I had a much bigger role in planning SQLSaturday #49 in Orlando. I was in charge of sponsors, messaging, and marketing. Honestly, I’d much rather do speakers and schedule. Setting up the schedule is intense, but you do that once (well, there are always adjustments) a few months before the event, while messaging and sponsors is ongoing from when you first start planning the event to the day of the event.
I also served on the Program Committee for the 2010 PASS Summit. I was on the committee that rated and selected sessions for the Enterprise Database Administration and Deployment track. I originally had not planned on this, but I really enjoyed doing it, and it helped me when it came time to work on SQLRally.
The two big things I did this year were:
- Run for the PASS Board of Directors. I put a lot of time into the decision to run. You can read about it in my post, How I Prepared to Run for the PASS Board. I Didn’t Make the Cut for the general election, but I did make it to the interview process. I might have made the cut had I put as much time into preparing for the interview as I did in deciding to run.
- Be part of the PASS SQLRally local planning team. Andy Warren involved Kendal Van Dyke and I in putting together a proposal to host SQLRally in Orlando, and we have each put in many hours planning and organizing the event with the PASS HQ Staff. My main areas of involvement have been working on sponsorship levels and options and defining and working on the Speaker selection process. I now have a much greater appreciation for those who plan and organize the PASS Summit. By the time May 11th comes around we’ll have been working on the event for almost a year.
So while I didn’t meet my goals, I definitely consider it a successful year.